ALBUM REVIEW: Wardruna – Birna

There is just so much to decipher when it comes to incorporating Norse-themed references into the creative process of a sonic craftsmanship; either it is in a mythological, esoteric, or cosmological sense– the discourses may vary from the dead warriors called Einherjar who Valkyries brought to Valhalla, the nine realms of Yggdrasil which started off as a primordial void called Ginnungagap, the great winter that preceded Ragnarok which is Fimbulvetr, to the trance-like state of the Berserkers which is called Berserkrgang.. I’m pretty sure many bands –especially the ones surrounding the Nordic Folk and Metal scene– have immensely covered the said topics enough already. But Wardruna is one of the precursors among the niche of Norse-themed music. It just appears to me that they have succeeded in making the very topics of ancient Norse cultural and esoteric traditions feel familiar towards those who are initially not deeply invested in the culture. Wardruna isn’t just some regular ordinary Norse-themed Folk collective; their musical trajectory is a testament of how profoundly well-versed they are when it comes to exploring their roots; the sorcery, the runes, the rites of passage, and the traditions.Continue reading

PODCAST: Glacially Musical 179 – High On Fire’s “Commeth The Storm” Reviewed and Gimme Metal Vinyl Unboxing

Time for a chaser episode! Let’s review and unbox @High On Fire’s new album “Cometh The Storm” out now via MNRK Heavy! Nik unboxes the vinyl variant from Gimme Metal and we tell the story of Gimme Radio! Nik is also unnecessarily mad at Keefy.

We will be back next week with more Queen!Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: High On Fire – Cometh The Storm

Six years (where did that time go?) after their Grammy award-winning album Electric Messiah, comes High On Fire’s latest effort Cometh The Storm (MNRK heavy). Gone is the ferocious, Thrash-like assault of the last album, replacing it is their trademark sludgy, Stoner Metal, but with a broadened palette. Can this record live up to its revered predecessor? Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Racetraitor – Creation and the Timeless Order of Things 


In dire times of crisis and injustice caused by oppressive systems, the least we can do is to voice our aspirations through the creative media that we have going and that’s what the hardcore unit Racetraitor have been doing. Racetraitor has always been a band that’s ahead of their time – voicing opinions on systemic racism and white privilege before they were even often discussed in a large audience.

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ALBUM REVIEW: Nytt Land – Torem

Nytt Land rip the balls off a Siberian tiger (no wild animals were injured for the purposes of this review) with the adventurously ambient, spirited and spiritual Torem (Napalm Records). Elemental, wild and ancient. Throat singing, Finno-Ugric languages. The kind of old-world wisdom the new world craves. 

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ALBUM REVIEW: Outlanders – Outlanders


When an album features Al Di Meola, Trevor Rabin, Vernon Reid, Joe Satriani, and Marty Friedman you know it’s going to be a corker. To make this reviewer squeeze with joy is that Outlanders is actually Tarja Turunen. Tarja is accompanied by Torsten Stenzel.  


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CONCERT REVIEW: Heilung – Live at Kings Theatre

The Palladium, Worcester, MA 9/8/2022


Sometimes your mind is clouded by your own thoughts, and you just need to get yourself saged, and howl throughout the night. I’m seeing Heilung on the 19th anniversary of my mother’s passing. I definitely felt some kind of way that day. If you’re still not familiar with Heilung by this point in time, the short answer is, they are an earthly ritual based performance.

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ALBUM REVIEWS ROUND-UP: The HU – Revival Black – Long Distance Calling –  Miss May I – Beach Rats 


The HU – Rumble of Thunder (Better Noise)

The HU and their joyful rock laced with Mongolian folk condiments rode into our collective consciences with 2019’s brilliant The Gereg, establishing themselves immediately by managing to produce something new, yet simultaneously neither novelty nor cheesy despite its requisite ingredients. A skilful piece of musical chef-ery indeed. Second time around, the HU have sought to refine things a little, less bold in some of their choices, yet with an eye on producing something more palatable to more people now that the attention has been piqued.Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Ianai – Sunir

With almost nothing revealed about their identity, singer Elitha Treveniel is an enigmatic presence in the contemporary world where true mystery is hard to maintain. As the main songwriter/vocalist for Ianai, this project’s music is equally as cryptic in part as it transcends across multiple spectrums. If there is one thing clear about the album Sunir (Svart Records) however, is that it is a captivating and wonderful experience.

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ALBUM REVIEW: Bloodywood – Rakshak

Heavy, yet groove-laden, Bloodywood brings to the world Rakshak (Self-Released). Bloodywood marries classic Bollywood strains with some serious riffage and wicked heavy metal. Everything about Rakshak is loud and in your face. The listener has a primal urge to hear and see Bloodywood live. Every track on Rakshak is gobsmackingly amazing. 

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