ALBUM REVIEW: Ocre – So Often Lifeblood Comes From Ashes

Duo’s appear to have a winning formula, as is exemplified by Petbrick, Big Business, Organized Konfusion, and Tears For Fears which the promotional notes for this release recognizes, describing Ocre as combining power and elegance. 

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ALBUM REVIEW: Rile – Pessimist


Hailing from Salt Lake City and formed by Cult Leader bassist Sam Richards, Rile are a band with fine credentials who have recently landed on the Church Road Records roster and have created a solid debut for the UK label, which unashamedly takes inspiration from Converge, Trap Them and the like. 

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ALBUM REVIEW: Story of the Year – Tear Me To Pieces


Nostalgia has gripped the wrist of time and slung every once-angsty teen back into the mid-noughties. There is an ongoing resurgence of beloved emo, alt-rock, post-Hardcore, and Pop-Punk acts flooding stages and fests again. Hopefully, the remaining slots are many because Story of the Year is another to add to the emo revival.

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ALBUM REVIEW: Acres – Burning Throne


England-based post-hardcore quartet Acres have always flown under the scene’s radar since their first EP back in 2014, but that doesn’t stop their dedicated fanbase from eagerly awaiting each new release over the years. With almost four years since their debut album Lonely World, the band has returned with their sophomore LP Burning Throne (A Wolf At Your Door Records) to show what they’re still capable of.

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ALBUM REVIEW: Other Half – Soft Action


Hailing from Norwich, England, post-hardcore trio Other Half have put out their second album Soft Action (Big Scary Monsters), consolidating their presence in the modern punk scene. It is a record that keeps the adrenaline pumping throughout its fourteen-track run-through and brings solid production to an otherwise disorderly DIY kind of tone. Despite its title, the album is anything but soft.

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ALBUM REVIEW: The Mars Volta – The Mars Volta


It’s 2022, September already, a busy time for album releases, a welter of “product” and, more importantly, a feast of music. And I can safely say that – until now – I haven’t heard an album quite like The Mars Volta. Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Ithaca – They Fear Us  


Following the release of their debut album The Language Of Injury in 2019, Ithaca quite rightly found themselves labelled as one of the new up and coming buzz bands in the UK’s Metal scene. The album was a furious slice of post-hardcore / metalcore, full of great riffs and powerful vocals delivered by singer Djamilla Boden Azzouz, which saw them saw them gain comparisons with the likes of other heavy, strong bands including Svalbard and Employed To ServeContinue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Deaf Havana – The Present Is A Foreign Land

Musical progression and development has been a constant and key part of the story of Deaf Havana. From their post-hardcore beginnings, through flirtations with pop-punk, Americana and classic rock, more overt pop music, and indie, the other constant anchor has been the quality of the song-writing of James Veck-Gilodi. As time and tides have drifted by, and the bottoms of many a bottle have been pointed to the sky, Havana has become less of a “band” and more of a working name for a close duo. 

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ALBUM REVIEW: Alexisonfire – Otherness

Over a decade has passed since Alexisonfire last blessed our ears with Old Crows / Young Cardinals. A hiatus, a pandemic, some single and multiple festival performances later, and the post-hardcore legends are back with their fifth full release: Otherness (Dine Alone). 

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