Twenty-plus years into a career doing anything in the world might make you take your foot off the gas pedal, especially an industry as brutal as the music industry. However, Manitoba’s Comeback Kid continue to challenge themselves to keep refining their sound, and sharpening their focus over a series of releases. The bands’ new album Heavy Steps (Nuclear Blast/New Damage) shows the veteran band of the scene lifting up the rest of us up with defiant music set on highlighting what makes life worth fighting for. uniting us.
Tag Archives: Melodic Hardcore
Blood Youth – Starve
I still remember getting that first Blood Youth record Beyond Repair for review and being blown away but at just how hard-hitting and melodic it was. Never did I think though that it would take them to where they currently are. We now find them about to release new record Starve (both Rude Records) and there is a lot of anticipation surrounding it. High profile tours and high energy live shows have only added to what was already a solid foundation.Continue reading
Napoleon – Epiphany
Napoleon has been making their mark in the heavy progressive music scene since 2012. In 2016 they released an anticipated debut Newborn Mind that release led to headlining tours with Counterparts and August Burns Red. The trio did not take any time off and are back with their sophomore album Epiphany (Basick Records). The album has a lot to offer—impressive techniques and profound delivery to a sound that is recognizable by the Napoleon name. Continue reading
EXCLUSIVE ALBUM STREAM: Letting Go – Something To Me
New Hampshire metalcore upstarts Letting Go released their debut album today, Something To Me. These guys are young but they go HARD. Produced by Jay Mass (Vanna, Defeater), these guys are the fresh new face of melodic metal, with the type of quality songwriting bands from New England are known for. The band is currently on tour and they will play their record release show tonight at the Bungalow, in Manchester, NH. Jam out to their entire new album here at Ghost Cult! Continue reading
EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE: Ondt Blod Streams New Single – Start Han Opp
Rising Norwegian melodic post-hardcore Ondt Blod is just weeks away from dropping their new album Natur on the world, from the always high-quality Fysisk Format label. The band has partnered with Ghost Cult to drop their newest single, ‘Start Han Opp’, which continues their penchant for catchy, heavy, and politically charged tracks that have made them one of the up and coming bands in the world right now. Jam out to ‘Start Han Opp’ now!Continue reading
Feed The Rhino – The Silence
Having being on hiatus for a few years, Kent’s Feed the Rhino are back with their fourth album The Silence (Century Media), an album that finds them at, what appears to be, a crossroads in terms of trying to rediscover the sound that gave them a hefty following whilst also at the same time moving forward and growing as songwriters.Continue reading
GHOST CULT ALBUM OF THE YEAR 2017: Part 1 (50 – 26)
As the dust begins to settle on what will undoubtedly go down in a history as a fine year for heavy and progressive music, the Ghost Cult crew present our favourite albums of 2017. While a year with only a couple of genuine life-changing, genre redefiners, nevertheless 2017 has seen an absolute plethora of very, very high quality releases. With over 400 albums reviewed this year, at an average of 7.5/10, there was a deep pool of quality releases selected and dissected throughout the year. A genuinely democratic inner sanctum here, we now present Part 1 of an official Ghost Cult Album of the Year (2017) run down that s truly representative of Ghost Cult, our writers, and our musical position as a site. Please share your thoughts and comments on the music we collectively love, as we countdown from 50 through to 26…Continue reading
Hundredth – Rare
Well, bugger me. I will never assume anything about any release ever again! I had so many preconceptions going into this review about what this would sound like and all have been blown away. The latest album from South Carolina’s Hundredth (Hopeless), Rare, is a real curveball for anyone familiar with the band.Continue reading
Higher Power – Soul Structure
Hardcore/Punk band Higher Power have a very simple but beautiful mantra, that reads “For The Moshers By Moshers.” This message is beautifully encapsulated on the band’s debut album Soul Structure (Flatspot), which is clearly an angry album but one that tries to convey how to deal with these feelings in a positive way, something which is very relatable to a lot of people and which is a very welcome notion in today’s society.Continue reading