CONCERT REVIEW: Jinjer – P.O.D. – Vended – Space of Variations Live at Saint Andrew’s Hall


Saint Andrew’s Hall is one of the most treasured music venues in Detroit. It once was home to The St. Andrew’s Society which has been around since 1849. Like most of the buildings in Motor City’s downtown, there is a rich and interesting history that goes along with it. These repurposed places carry a rare kind of magic which feeds directly into the pleasant experience attendees have at Saint Andrew’s. It was the perfect spot for one of Modern Metal’s hottest bands to bring their headlining 2022 USA tour last weekend. Jinjer came to town, and they came ready to show off.

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ALBUM REVIEW: Austin Meade – Abstract Art Of An Unstable Mind


A singer-songwriter from Texas, Austin Meade’s new album Abstract Art Of An Unstable Mind is his second with Snakefarm Records. It is a concept album of sorts, with each track encapsulating a little stories of life and growing up – these episodes are broken up by the occasional short clip from the fictitious radio station LMAM. It is a varied record that gels together well, even if the radio clips do disrupt the flow somewhat – although ‘LMAM What’s Your Problem’, with its flat-earther style spin off, does raise a smile. Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Kings of Mercia – Kings of Mercia


One of the things that was great about growing up in the seventies was the soothing, grounded music. There was an earthiness to some of the music that just made the listener feel good. The songs weren’t too complex, nor were they too simple; they just existed to make the listener get in tune with their surroundings. Fast forward fifty years and life is just more complex and frenetic. This is reflected in some genres of music. It can be a struggle to find earthy music that makes you feel good. 

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ALBUM REVIEW: Trollfest – Flamingo Overlord

If you’ve ever found yourself unable to sleep, deeply troubled by an almost primal need to comprehend the diverse sociopolitical ramifications of what would happen if a ruthless, semi-robotic and fully weaponized flamingo overlord was installed as the leader of a society of subservient worker flamingos, then seek immediate psychiatric help. Seriously, just leave and come back to this later. It can wait.Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: -S- – Dom, w którym mieszkał Wąż (A House Where Dwelled A Snake) 

It’s time to enter a very dark place. Poland’s mysterious and enigmatic doom-jazz-post rock-funk project -S- return with their first full-length release since their 2013 untitled debut. Led by composer, bassist, vocalist Patyr, with Grzegorz supplying drums, Dom, w którym mieszkał Wąż (A House Where Dwelled A Snake) (I, Voidhanger) is like nothing else you’re likely to hear, and that includes the group’s debut. The album is four tracks and forty-one minutes of oppressive, threatening, slithering, funky doom. If that sounds like a wild trip, it is. 

And don’t forget those clarinets!Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: The Last Vinci – The Revolution is Made Together

Alex Vinci, Brasko, and Conal Murphy of The Last Vinci have released a lovely album in The Revolution is Made Together (Narrow Door). The album is like happiness flying through the clouds.  The songs on The Revolution is Made Together have a pleasant, even keeled feel. 

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ALBUM REVIEW: Jinjer – Walflowers

Jinjer is a Ukrainian four-piece act that has captivated and charmed varying music scenes all around the world. Just over a decade ago, the band started to make waves in their own country and around Europe when they released their EP Inhale, Don’t Breath. The vibrancy and viciousness of their Modern Metal sound stood out and has led them to be one of the most noteworthy bands in the genre. Now they are getting ready to release their fourth full-length album, Wallflowers (Napalm Records) and the expectations are high. Their determination, creativity, and uniqueness has many wondering if this new album can be a crown on top of the quartet’s budding stardom. 

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SPLIT RELEASE REVIEW: Wizzerd Vs. Merlin – Turned to Stone Chapter III

Like the previous installment, the third chapter in Ripple Music’s Turned to Stone series is framed as a challenge between two contenders for Stoner Doom supremacy. But while Chapter II saw Howling Giant and Sergeant Thunderhoof put forth their competition as a battle of wits between mythic swordsmen, Chapter III is the culmination of an ongoing meme war between Merlin and Wizzerd. It also operates on a similar template as each band is given a full epic track to put their best foot forward.

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ALBUM REVIEW: Mordred – The Dark Parade

Arriving in 1989 towards the tail end of the thrash metal scene, San Francisco act Mordred may have only been together for five years but showed more invention and innovation in that time than some bands achieved over a much longer period.

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ALBUM REVIEW: (HED) P.E. – Class of 2020

(HED) P.E. releases a solidly decent album with Class of 2020 (Suburban Noize Records). The band, hailing from Southern California, truly embodies the eclectic skater vibe of the area. The album is a mix of rock, funk, and rap. Jared Gomes, Jeremiah Stratton, Kurt Blankenship, DJ Blackard, and Chad Benekos are a tight outfit, and Class of 2020 has no wasted riffage. 

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