END OF YEAR GUEST POST: Jamie Hanks (I Declare War/Sacrificer) Top 10 Albums of 2024


Wrapping up all the business of 2024 with some fun End of Year Guest Posts from bands, friends, music industry pals, label types, and assorted good fiends! Check out this list from our pal Jamie Hanks of I Declare War/Sacrificer for his top 10 albums of 2024!Continue reading

END OF YEAR GUEST POST: Sylvaine Top 10 Albums of 2024

Wrapping up all the business of 2024 with some fun End of Year Guest Posts from bands, friends, music industry pals, label types, and assorted good fiends! Check out this list from Sylvaine to discuss her top picks for best music of 2024!Continue reading

NEW MUSIC FRIDAY: New Rock and Metal Releases for 9-6-24

Who has the best album cover this week?Continue reading

PREVIEW: New Music Friday – Rock and Metal Releases Preview for 9-6-24

Who has the best album cover this week?Continue reading

Ghost Cult’s Albums of the Year 2022 Part 3 (20 – 1)

Press on, intrepid reader, to find out our top albums of 2022, as voted for by the cast, crew and hangers-on of the good ship Ghost Cult. Over 275 albums were nominated (including one stray and errant vote for Stryper… we’ve had words), some people lauded albums as the greatest of all time that no one else noticed, other albums picked up a steady stream of votes across the board without tickling the top of anyone’s charts, but through it all, we’ve been able to compile our team list of the best 75 albums of the year. And there are some absolute corkers, here. 75 of them, to be exact…

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Ghost Cult’s Album of the Year 2022 Part 2 (40-21)

As we move into the meaty part of the Ghost Cult albums of the year for 2022 (as chosen solely by the team that dedicate their time to promote, analyse and share the love for the great alternative music that we exist to talk about), we find a mix of old favourites and a sprinkling of new rising and shining stars…Continue reading


Rejoicing still in the simple fact we can have a physical Roadburn again, the final two days definitely wore on our pandemic shocked psyche and physique. Stumbling more and wearing down in a way I’m not used to, I mentioned to some friends during the weekend the Pandemic has made us all old, and 5 days on our feet now feel a lot longer. Saturday started with the feeling it felt like a Sunday, traditionally called the afterburner, because by that time you are fairly burnt out.

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After three years of waiting and longing, finally there will be an in person Roadburn Festival again. While the 2021 online edition Roadburn Redux, was in itself, innovative and the best digital festival I’ve seen set up during the dark days of the pandemic, nothing beats being physically shaken by bass heavy music and  hugging friends from all over the world you only see once a year. 

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FESTIVAL PREVIEW: Roadburn Festival 2022 — Welcome Back!

As we continue to live in one of the most challenging times in history, one this for certain: music lovers are relieved to have somewhat of a return to normalcy. The return of live music, especially heavy music, provides the cathartic relief we have all been looking for. After over a year of postponements, cancellations, and livestreams, it’s a relief to get to experience live music, and return to experiencing art in the best way possible – together!

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ALBUM REVIEW: 40 Watt Sun – Perfect Light

Having left their Doom Metal roots behind on 2016’s Wider Than The Sky (Radiance), 40 Watt Sun completely doubles down on slowcore with their third full-length album. In fact, Perfect Light (Svart/Cappio Records) might even be a little softer than its predecessor with nary a trace of fuzz or distortion to be found. It often feels more like a slow-motion singer/songwriter record, especially with the Jerry Cantrell-esque twang throughout. I suppose it’s only fitting when you consider that guitarist/vocalist Patrick Walker is the only returning band member, having recruited an entirely different cast of musicians for this effort.

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