END OF YEAR GUEST POST: Jamie Hanks (I Declare War/Sacrificer) Top 10 Albums of 2024


Wrapping up all the business of 2024 with some fun End of Year Guest Posts from bands, friends, music industry pals, label types, and assorted good fiends! Check out this list from our pal Jamie Hanks of I Declare War/Sacrificer for his top 10 albums of 2024!


10. Unto OthersNever, Neverland

Nice change of pace if you are at a party or drinking with buddies that don’t want to hear people blast beat for 45 minutes.


9. Skeletal RemainsFragments Of The Ageless

A really solid blend of classic death metal and new faster DM. Very well paced.


8. Deicide Banished By Sin

It’s Deicide.

7. Loscil Umbel

Take a deep breath and relax.


6. Underneath It Exists Between Us

If you wanted to know what animosity and Pig Destroyer sounds like look no further. This band is angry.

5. I Declare War Downcast Vol 2

I’m obviously biased here, but I think we put out a killer five songs. Very seldom do I even want to hear something I’m on; it stresses me out. This one, I actually kind of dig.

4. 40 Watt Sun Little Weight

Heaviest record he has put out since the first EP. Bring a box of tissues when you listen to time one. It’s moody.


3. Kendrick LamarGNX

Best record he has put out in years. Huge beats, super listenable and his voice is better than ever. Also it’s 12 songs absolutely no duds.

2. Alluvial Death Is But A Door

Killer EP. Great songwriting, awesome singer, very gym-worthy.


1. Vitriol Suffer And Become

I think this band has the making to be the future of death metal. Few come close to the aggressiveness and overall ferocity of these guys. PDX represent!


Honorable mention – Glass BeansMahal


Buy the new I Declare War album here: