ALBUM REVIEW: Paysage D’Hiver – Die Berge

Consistently being the inherent epitome of a harsh menacing winter and presenting ever-enigmatic themes that have to do with the void of darkness and the subconscious, the Switzerland-bound Paysage d’Hiver has been around for quite some time playing inclement Ambient Black Metal with a low-fidelity raw production, while also incorporating elements of a myriad of associated styles, being Funeral Doom Metal, Dungeon Synth, and Drone. Continue reading

PODCAST: Episode 541 – The Power Hour – July Albums Recap / August Forecast with Keefy

Dog tired in the fast lane in the dog days of summer! The Power Hour episode for August features a recap of albums released in July 2024, and a forecast of new music out this month. Chief Editor Keefy hosts and flies solo, and pays tribute to outgoing Senior Editor Steve Tovey, who has retired from editorial. Continue reading

NEW MUSIC FRIDAY – New Rock and Metal Releases for 7-5-24

What new Rock and Metal albums are you getting this week!? Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Xasthur – Disharmonic Variations

Dark folk is an all-around enthralling genre with a wide range of well-known names, from Vàli to Ulvesang, but recently, what especially has been catching my attention is the new release from Xasthur – namely Disharmonic Variations, out via Lupus Lounge. Specializing in Black Metal and avant-garde releases, the label has worked with various names of note, including Nachtmystium and Austere.Continue reading

PREVIEW: New Music Friday – New Rock and Metal Releases for 7-5-24

What new Rock and Metal albums are you getting this week!? Continue reading

New Music Friday Rock and Metal New Album Releases 6-23-23


Check out our preview of the new Rock and Metal albums coming out this week! 

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Prophecy Productions Represses Five Classic Albums from Xasthur

Prophecy Productions has made available five represses from Black Metal icon Xasthur. While Xasthur has evolved as an artist and perform over his career adding a folksy Appalchian flair to his grim USBM style, these early albums – A Gate Through Bloodstained Mirrors, Ominous Fates, Subliminal Genocide, Defective Epitaph, and Portal Of Sorrow are genre classics. Pre-order these now at the link below. 

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NEW MUSIC FRIDAY: July 9th New Music Releases

Purchase and Stream all the New Music released today

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CONTEST EXTENDED: Last Chance To Win Tickets To Prophecy Fest In New York This Weekend

Alcest, by Rich Price Photography

Prophecy Fest USA is getting closer, and going down this weekend in Brooklyn, NY on November 2nd and 3rd at the Knitting Factory! Celebrating the Prophecy Productions label and featuring Alcest ( playing Kodama in its entirety – possibly for the last time) Novembers Doom, Eye Of Nix, Crowhurst, Xasthur, So Hideous, Year of The Cobra, new signees Kayo Dot and more! To win a pair of tickets for the weekend head over to Ghost Cult’s Instagram account and share our post to win. You can also see the full lineup, set times, a preview trailer, and a link to buy tickets. Continue reading

CONTEST: Win Tickets To Prophecy Fest In New York City

One of the events of the fall is going to be the first Prophecy Fest in Brooklyn, NY on November 2nd and 3rd. Celebrating the Prophecy Productions label featuring the best the label has to offer with both legend status bands and future greats. Among the bands appearing are Alcest ( playing Kodama in its entirety – possibly for the last time), Novembers Doom, Eye Of Nix, Crowhurst, Xasthur, So Hideous, Year of The Cobra, new signees Kayo Dot and more! To win a pair of tickets for the weekend head over to Ghost Cult’s Instagram account and share our post to win with the hashtags #ProphecyFest & #GhostCultMag. Entries are open until 10/29 at 5 PM EST, and the winner will be announced on 10/30. You can also see the full lineup, set times, a preview trailer, and a link to buy tickets below.

Friday, November 2nd

7-7:30 – Völur

8-8:30 – Xasthur

9-9:30 – Kayo Dot

10-10:45 – So Hideous

11:15-End – Novembers Doom

Saturday, November 3rd

7-7:30 – 1476

8-8:30 – Year of the Cobra

9-9:30 – Crowhurst

10-10:45 – Eye Of Nix

11:15-End – Alcest

*Disclaimer: Winners are chosen completely at random, and selected at the discretion of the editors of Ghost Cult Magazine. Entry for the contest is free of charge via Ghost Cult’s Instagram account ( The grand prize available is one pair (2 tickets), of tickets given to one winner to attend Prophecy Fest in Brooklyn 11/2 and 11/3 in Brooklyn, NY at The Knitting Factory. There are no other prizes and this prize is non-transferable. This prize does not include transportation or other costs or local taxes associated with attending the show. Entries are open until 10/29 at 5 PM EST, and the winner will be announced on 10/30. The winner must be 21 years old and give their full legal name (with ID) to collect the prize, in the form of will call tickets the day of the show. No other claims may be made against Ghost Cult, Prophecy Productions, or The Knitting Factory after entering this contest.