ALBUM REVIEW: Open Kasket – Trials Of Failure


You either love Beatdown Death Metal and all its violence-even-though-it’s-carefully-controlled live atmosphere, or you think it’s a bunch of amped-up spinkickers with no respect for their surroundings.Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Pillar Of Light – Caldera

This Detroit-based Sludge band Pillar Of Light moves into their brand of Metal like a storm cloud on their debut full-length Caldera (Transcending Obscurity Records) with a hypnotic manner of riffing that allows the songs to flow.  Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Paganizer – Flesh Requiem

It may be a dying art form these days, or I might be living under a rock. Either way, Paganizer have put strong emphasis on their title track, which elicits a sigh of relief from this writer.Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Hell Is Other People – Moirae

Aside from having one of the most spot-on names, Hell Is Other People also meticulously and so magnificently presents a style of metal that marries atmospheric/blackened vocals and post-Rock instrumentals.Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Monument Of Misanthropy – Vile Postmortem Irrumatio

Shining light on a deranged serial killer isn’t exactly the most taboo concept, especially in Extreme Metal. And really, what better vehicle to use for that purpose?Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Carnophage – Matter Of A Darker Nature

In thirty-three minutes, Carnophage balance some of the most fetid vocals with cheeky technical bluster, leaving a mark on Matter Of A Darker Nature (Transcending Obscurity Records) which leaves an enthusiastic Brutal/Tech-Death impression.Continue reading


I’ve been finding lately that splits coming out in the last several years have been reminding everyone why they are a cool, and slightly more affordable, way to showcase music for the masses. DISKORD and ATVM teamed up to put together thirty-five minutes of their brands of death metal on this collective effort, forever known as Bipolarities (Transcending Obscurity Records). Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Construct of Lethe – A Kindness Dealt In Venom

Virginia’s very own Construct Of Lethe has released three full-length albums to this day, with A Kindness Dealt In Venom being the most recent, out via Transcending Obscurity Records. The Death Metal unit seems to be fond of incorporating the lyrical themes of chaotic psychological terror into their songs, but on this album they managed to encompass an even more wider range of emotions, from suicidal depression, self-hatred and existential void. Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Cutterred Flesh – Love At First Bite

If Death Metal on the extreme end of the heaviness meter is your thing, then Cutterred Flesh’s Love At First Bite (Transcending Obscurity Records) is worth a listen. Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Crawl – Altar of Disgust

Sometimes all that’s needed on a rough day is some crusty Death Metal. Luck would have it that Crawl has dropped their sophomore full-length, Altar of Disgust (Transcending Obscurity Records), and it is a journey, to say the least. Ten songs (eleven counting an intro) at just over thirty minutes is the perfect portion size for such an aggressive and abrasive collection of songs. These Swedish death metallers have one goal in mind: to crush you under the weight of their riffs and breakdowns.

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