ALBUM REVIEW: Spectral Voice – Sparagmos

Spectral Voice‘s sophomore album Sparagmos (Dark Descent Records) is possessed by a dark anguish that draws you in. A decade or so ago this brand of Atmospheric Death Metal was labeled “occult death metal” and referenced bands like Necros Christos who follow Incantation’s lead down into the doomier depth of death metal. Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Faceless Burial – At The Foothills Of Deliration


There are (at least) two ways to ascertain if metal is going to be technically inspired: the cover or the song titles. 

In fact, with an album entitled At The Foothills Of Deliration, maybe it was obvious all along.

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Death Metal Round Up: Cast The Stone, Stillbirth, Siege Of Power, Monstrosity And More

It may have taken thirteen years to follow-up their sole release, but with a cast that includes Misery Index, Cattle Decapitation and Scour alumni, the trials of time can be forgiven with Cast The Stone, and new EP release Empyrean Atrophy (Agonia) shows that this band has a lot more worth than simply being a side dabbling for them.Continue reading

Skeletal Remains – Devouring Mortality

Has Death Metal become the most crowded of the extreme genres? I ask because the last few years have been absolutely stacked with stellar releases ranging from the old guard (Morbid Angel, Obituary) to the new breed (Archspire, Artificial Brain). One must come absolutely correct to make it in the house that Chuck Schuldiner built. Skeletal Remains has the right stuff in spurts on Devouring Mortality (Dark Descent) but aren’t quite ready to run with the wolves yet.Continue reading