ALBUM REVIEW: Sepulchral Curse – Abhorrent Dimensions


A mere two full-lengths in, Finnish Death Metal outfit Sepulchral Curse sound and feel right at home with what they’re out to accomplish and Abhorrent Dimensions (Transcending Obscurity) digs deep into the annals of grotesquery and emerges as a festering titan of slop. 

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ALBUM REVIEW: Burial – Satanic Upheaval

Mancunian trio Burial stand out for more reasons than the impressive collective build of its members: its particular brand of Blackened Death has ensured that the band maintained a popularity within its locale and beyond. Their third album Satanic Upheaval (Apocalyptic Witchcraft Recordings) is its first outing in four years and is just as uncompromising in its approach.Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Omega Infinity – Solar Spectre

If a band consists of members from Ne Obliviscaris and Todtgelichter, it’s a fair bet that the results will be 1) bloody dark, 2) as mad as a sheep in a tree. Sure enough, Omega Infinity provides all of this, with the frosted vocal of the Aussies’ mystical Xenoyr tangling with the musical machinations of ‘lichter drummer and keyboardist Tentakel P for debut album Solar Spectre (Season of Mist).Continue reading

Tides Of Sulfur – Paralysis Of Reason

Despite having released a host of material since its 2012 inception, Glamorgan trio Tides Of Sulfur has issued just one album, the coruscating Extinction Curse (Self-Released) in 2016. New EP Paralysis Of Reason (Sludgelord Records / APF Records / Astral Noize) is the first thing to come from the band since that album, and in that time the ripping hostility has become even more twisted.Continue reading


With another calendar year of stellar heavy, alternative and progressive music behind us, we continue our countdown of the best of the best albums, as voted for by the Ghost Cult global team. People Power Part I took us from 70 through to 26, Part II took us down the back straight, ticking off albums 25 to 11, and now we come round the final bend and as Part III presents the albums that charted 10 through 2 of the Ghost Cult Albums Of The Year, 2018. 

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Bast – Nanoångstrӧm

Four years ago, Bast’s Spectres (Burning World Records) hit the racks and quickly gained a reputation as one of the best British underground debuts of recent times. The world seemed to be the Blackened Sludge trio’s oyster yet, save for a smattering of gigs here and there, they seemed to vanish and earn mythical status in the process.Continue reading

Ævangelist – Matricide In The Temple Of Omega

The incredible productivity of transatlantic duo Ævangelist – six albums and a host of EPs littering its eight-year existence – is matched only by the nerve-shredding nature of the music. The Blackened Death chaos mirrors the evil and pestilence rife in today’s inhumane, technical age, and this is further reflected in latest album Matricide in the Temple of Omega (I, Voidhanger Records).Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Behemoth – I Loved You At Your Darkest

Let me start this write up by congratulating Behemoth for all their success ranging from continuing to providing support to Slayer, having a Death Metal album peak at 34 on the Billboard Top 200 and frontman Nergal’s recovery from leukemia. Oh, and lest we forget that not only did The Satanist makes a splash on the charts but was also one of the best albums of 2014. That’s quite the standard for new LP I Loved You At Your Darkest (Nuclear Blast/Metal Blade) to live up to.Continue reading

The Secret – Lux Tenebris EP

After shedding its early metalcore skin to reveal a darker heart in 2008, Italian quartet The Secret has latterly proved as good as its name, with new three-track EP Lux Tenebris (Southern Lord) being the band’s first recorded output for six years.Continue reading