ALBUM REVIEW: Gatekeeper – From Western Shores

  To be a gatekeeper in metal is generally frowned upon as elitist these days, to the point where my favorite Awenden / Feminazgul shirt has the phrase “impale the gatekeepers on spears and leave them posted alongside your path … Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Filth Is Eternal – Find Out

  A lot of bands sound like they are writing their albums with a view to the live setting these days, with business perhaps more focused on big riffs or breakdowns and how they’ll go over in a club than … Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Liv Sin – KaliYuga

  Sweden’s Liv Jagrell has proven she is a fitting heavy metal ambassador for this or any time, honoring both the rich history of the genre, or more modern styles with her raspy, enthusiastic ease. Be it Sister Sin‘s perfectly … Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Doro – Conqueress – Forever Strong And Proud

  Doro Pesch is the epitome of a metal repping lifer. Not just one of the nicest people in metal who regularly remembers everyone’s birthday and a constant genre cheerleader, but also one of the greatest front-people to ever hype … Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Crom – The Era Of Darkness

  In the battle for memorable metal, style or substance often battle for dominance. While Germany’s Crom may seem to lean more towards “style” in their sturdy and reliable brand of Trad/Power hybrid metal, the songs on the new release … Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Pvris – Evergreen

  Evergreen (Hopeless Records) is a very ambitious album and frankly by far the most thematically well-rounded and best effort from Pvris yet. Lyndsey Gerd Gunnulfsen has seamlessly planted a flag on the moon here, showing it was her that … Continue reading

INTERVIEW: Iravu – on Black Metal, Brian Eno, and Overcoming Oppression

The Sound of Perseverance meets (No Pussyfooting) might not be a combination you expected on your musical bingo card for 2023, but Malaysia’s one-person anti-fascist Black Metal force Iravu is not one for limiting artistic statements when inspiration strikes. Since … Continue reading

EP REVIEW: Beltfed Weapon – Darkened Demise

  Beltfed Weapon has often felt like a fun but sort of long-running vanity (but nonetheless valid) project for Seattle’s talented Frank Hetzel, many years between quite short releases featuring a who’s who of underground metal players guesting in support … Continue reading


  Sometimes as a metalhead or underground fan it is easy to forget that not everyone knows what you mean when you describe things in ever smaller concentric circles of references, sub-genres or in-jokes. It seems totally clear to me … Continue reading

EP REVIEW: American Nightmare – Dedicated to the Next World

  Existential dread, class war, and alienation? Seems like a great time for some new American Nightmare. The storm clouds of tomorrow loom over this fantastic new EP from the beloved hardcore (with post-punk sprinkles) institution on their latest release … Continue reading