Deez Nuts Postpone Their 2022 UK Tour

Hardcore band Deez Nuts have been forced to postpone their European dates for 2022. The tour, which was scheduled to hit the UK in March this year, will now take place in February 2023. Kublai Khan will not be on the rebooked dates, but direct support will come from Unity TX, and Rising Insane with a special guest TBD. See the new dates below.

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2000trees Festival 2021 is Postponed, 2022 Dates Announced and Some Bands Confirmed

Sad news 2000trees – home to Punk and alt-Rock legends every summer is postponed for 2021. The fest gave a lengthy statement to fans as to why the fest cannot take place this year, mainly due to the protracted shutdown, and pandemic. On the plus side, the fest will return for 2022 and the new dates will be 7th, 8th and 9th July 2022. Bands confirmed to return in 2022 include Jimmy Eat World, Thrice, The Amazons, Dinosaur Pile Up, Knocked Loose, The Get Up Kids, Dream State, Laura Jane Grace, Anti-Flag, Lonely The Brave, Stick To Your Guns, Deez Nuts, No Devotion, Dragged Under with a third headliner to be announced and over 100 more bands across six stages.

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Sean Kennedy (Deez Nuts, ex-I Killed the Prom Queen) Has Died, Age 35

According to a report by Lambgoat and Metal Sucks, Australian bassist Sean Kennedy, best known for bands such as Deez Nuts and formerly of – I Killed the Prom Queen) has died. He was just 35 years old. Kennedy died on Tuesday, February 23rd and so far, no cause of death has been revealed. Kennedy played for I Killed the Prom Queen from 2003 to 2013. Michael Crafter (Confession), the former frontman for I Killed the Prom Queen commented:

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Warped Tour 2018 – The Final Run

It’s the final cross-country voyage of the Vans Warped Tour. Since 1995, the unofficial punk rock summer camp has introduced us all to iconic acts from Bad Religion to Katy Perry.Continue reading

Deez Nuts – Binge & Purgatory

Don’t let the name and the pink album cover fool you; Deez Nuts are out to stomp yours.

Originally a one-man band formed a decade ago in Melbourne, Australia—that man being JJ Peters, one-time drummer of I Killed the Prom Queen—Deez Nuts have spent the last ten years showing crowds and critics across the world that, despite their name, they are no joke.Continue reading

Resurrection Fest 2017 Lineup Includes Rammstein, Suicidal Tendencies, Arch Enemy And More


The 2017 Resurrection Fest will be taking from July 5th-8th in Viveiro, Spain, and the lineup is BIG. Continue reading

The 2017 Hellfest Open Air Festival Lineup Has Been Revealed


The 2017 Hellfest Open Air Festival will be taking place from June 16th-18th in Clisson, France next year, and the final lineup has now been confirmed. Continue reading

Jona Weinhofen of I Killed The Prom Queen Talks Australian Hardcore

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Australian metallic hardcore crew I Killed The Prom Queen are enjoying their time on the Vans Warped Tour, in support of their latest album Beloved. While on the tour, they quickly learned about the other fellow Aussies who will be taking part on the tour with them.

Guitarist Jona Weinhofen spoke about some of his fellow country people, and how he detects if that person is actually Australian. “I know there are but I can’t remember the names. They’re bands I don’t know personally. It’s the thickest accents. You can hear it within ten meters from where you are.”

i killed the prom queen beloved

Being that he is currently situated in the United States, he found himself getting more in touch with his Australian roots. He shared his thoughts on staying true to that plus how he sees his home country from afar.

“Honestly since moving away from Australia, I think I found myself a little more patriotic. It’s one of those things – you don’t know what you’ve got until you’ve lost it. It goes with the place you’re living as well. When I moved to America – I love it here in California. There’s so much opportunity, beautiful weather all the time and so much cool stuff to do all the time, but I did find myself missing certain things about home and that made me appreciate things about my home country a little bit more”.

“If you hear me around Warped Tour putting on a thick Aussie accent, that’s me trying to regain my patriotism,” he said, with a smile.

In recent years, he also spoke about another band he is very familiar with – Deez Nuts. The band features two former members of I Killed The Prom Queen – frontman JJ Peters and bassist Sean Kennedy. Weinhofen explains the connection between the two bands and his thoughts on his former bandmates’ new venture.

“He was our original drummer, JJ Peters. He was in the band with the reformation in 2011 and when we wanted to go full time again, he was already doing Deez Nuts full time. They have a huge following in Europe, so he left Prom Queen to focus on Deez Nuts. We’re totally cool with that. Our old bass player Sean Kennedy left the band for personal reasons and joined Deez Nuts the second time.”

“The Aussian music industry, especially with the heavy music with punk rock, hardcore – is quite incestuous. Everyone knows everyone, everyone’s played in everyone else’s bands. Our bass player Ben [Coyte] played in Deez Nuts. Our singer Jamie [Hope] played in Deez Nuts. I played one show with Deez Nuts. Everyone’s good at maintaining friendships no matter what band’s doing what.”

I Killed The Prom Queen’s newest bass player comes out of Day of Contempt, a veteran of the Australian hardcore scene. “Our bass player Ben used to be the vocalist of this band called Day of Contempt from Adelaide. We basically grew up and they were our idols. They were the Adelaide band we had to play with. I think they were the first Adelaide band to sign to an overseas hardcore label, the first Adelaide/Australian hardcore band to really come over and tour the US hard. I know they did some tours with Terror, Bleeding Through, 18 Visions and even Good Charlotte. They did some really good tours. They were a band we always looked up to. When he approached us to join the band, we were like ‘duh – let’s do this!’ “

By Rei Nishimoto

Deez Nuts – Word Is Bond


Deez Nuts. Yeah, you clicked this; the band name is as bad as you first thought. But that doesn’t halt the fact that this Australian unit seriously know how to write Hardcore tunes. They’ve got the crushing riffs in absolute abundance, right from the word go, but they’ve got that ridiculously over the top macho punk bullshit needed to spit the right kind of attitude onto heavy music. This is Hardcore of the Madball and Biohazard kind of spirit, not the modern beat-down obsessed version.

Not everyone can get on with Hardcore music, and many struggle to see beyond the overbearing macho facade so many in the scene focus on, but with Word Is Bond (Century Media), Deez Nuts could very well attract a whole breed of new fans into the genre. The slow chugging riffs which run their course throughout the album just generally makes this an easy album to pick up and go with. Again, much like Biohazard, they’re also clearly more than capable of throwing themselves into a thrashier style of Punk, which will again prove attractive to die-hards within the scene already.

The song structure across the album is relatively consistent. We don’t have all that many tracks which exceed even the two minute mark, so once again you’ll be able to throw this record on and blitz through it in no time. As you give this repeat listens it also becomes clear that a lot of these tracks were written with the live performance in mind – we’ve got it all; the chant along lyrics in tracks like ‘Wrong Things Right’ and ‘Chess Boxin’’, the bouncy riffs via ‘What’s Good’ and all the chaos to fill the pits through ‘Pour Up’ and the title track.

Honestly, most of this album will likely become quite forgettable as time goes by, but live the tracks have real potential to come alive. ‘Forgettable’ may seem like a strong term, but unless you become an absolute die-hard, you’ll probably give this a couple of spins and put it aside. It’s not a world beater, not a game changer for the genre, but it is a more than welcome addition to the Hardcore Punk scene.


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