Psycho Las Vegas 2017: Live At the Hard Rock Hotel And Casino, Las Vegas

Before you sink your teeth into this, let me make a quick disclaimer for those of you looking for a standard review. This ain’t it. If you want to read, ad nauseam, about each band that played, who was good, who wasn’t, what songs they played or how many bands are “female fronted,” have female members or where any of these bands are from I can guarantee you a quick internet search will get you your fix somewhere. If you are looking for someone to tell you what any of the bands sound like, look like or act like then here is a novel idea, buy their music, go to a show and form an opinion for yourself. No offense intended to anyone writing something like that or looking for that kind of thing but you won’t find it here because I don’t feel like writing something everyone else has or will. (Offense intended to anyone still finding some ridiculous need to write or read about bands being “female fronted.” Fuck off.)

Oh, also there will be naughty words.Continue reading

Psycho Las Vegas Adds Mastodon As A Headliner

Psycho Las Vegas 2017 will be taking place from August 18th-20th at the Hard Rock Hotel And Casino Las Vegas in Las Vegas, Nevada. The initial lineup seemed to feature every band ever, but now they’ve added Mastodon as the final headliner, and it’s officially one of the sickest bills ever created. Continue reading

Goatsnake, Subrosa, Royal Thunder, Rosetta, etc Confirmed For Crucial Fest 5

crucial fest 5

Crucialfest 5 will be held June 18-20, 2015 in Salt Lake City, UT. The confirmed line will include:

Dead Meadow
Royal Thunder
Kowloon Walled City
Giant Squid
Captured! By Robots
Black Pussy
Ides of Gemini
Demon Lung
Wild Throne
Ghetto Blaster
Eight Bells
Cold Blue Mountain

With Locals:
Eagle Twin
Cult Leader
Settle Down
Baby Gurl
Worst Friends
God’s Revolver
Dethrone the Soverign
Dark Seas
Odium Totus
The Wasatch Fault
Turbo Chugg
The Ditch and the Delta
Filth Lords
Die Off
Top Dead Celebrity
Hard Men

Thursday June 18th
Area 51 / 4pm / $10 / 18+ Stage
Baby Gurl
The Wasatch Fault
Filth Lords

Area 51 / 4pm / +$5 / 21+ Stage
Eight Bells
Ghetto Blaster
Cold Blue Mountain
Hard Men

Area 51 / 9pm / $10 / 21+
Royal Thunder
Wild Throne
Settle Down
Top Dead Celebrity
Friday June 19th
Area 51 / 4pm / $10 / 18+ Stage
Cult Leader
Ides of Gemini
Dethrone the Soverign

Area 51 / 4pm / +$5 / 21+ Stage
The Ditch and the Delta
Demon Lung
Odium Totus

Urban Lounge / 9pm / $15 / 21+
Dead Meadow
Black Pussy
Dark Seas
Saturday June 20th
Area 51 / 2pm / $15 / 18+ Stage
Kowloon Walled City
Captured! By Robots
Giant Squid
Worst Friends

Area 51 / 2pm / +$5 / 21+ Stage
God’s Revolver
Die Off
Danger Hailstorm

Urban Lounge / 9pm / $20 / 21+
Eagle Twin
Turbo Chugg
CrucialREST – Sunday June 21st
Kids & Dogs Welcome! No Alcohol Please
Bands and Venue TBA
*Schedule subject to change.

Crucialfest 5 on Facebook
Crucialfest 5 on Twitter

Cult Leader Books A New Tour, New Album Due Later This Year

cult leader

Cult Leader has booked a new US tour and is preparing to go into the studio to record album #2 this spring. The explosive hardcore metal act was forged from the ashes of the seminal Salt Lake City band Gaza, and they funneled their new found fire to form their new band and release last year’s Nothing For Us Here on Deathwish Inc. They are heading into Godcity Studios in Salem, MA with the legendary Kurt Ballou for a release due later in 2015.

From the Press Release:

Salt Lake City’s Cult Leader is a band that needs little introduction. After the early 2013 dissolution of their prior band, metallic hardcore mainstays Michael Mason, Casey Hansen, and Anthony Lucero were joined by bassist Sam Richards to form a brand new beast: Cult Leader.

Cult Leader released their debut, Nothing For Us Here, last April via Deathwish Inc. Now, the band will head to Salem, MA to record new tracks that will become their yet-to-be-titled sophomore full-length, due later this year once again on Deathwish.

More information coming soon. In the meantime, keep up with Cult Leader on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram.


March 3 Denver, CO @ 7th Circle Collective

March 4 Kansas City, MO @ Art Closet Studios

March 5 St. Louis, MO @ FUBAR

March 6 Indianapolis, IN @ 5th Quarter Lounge

March 7 Columbus, OH @ The House with No Name*

March 9 Washington, DC @ The Dougout*

March 10 Wilmington, DE @ Claymont VFW*#

March 11 Montclair, NJ @ Uncle Slevs*

March 12 Amityville, NY @ Amityville Music Hall*

March 24 Burlington, VT @ Monkey House^

March 25 Sherbrooke, ON @ La Murdoch^

March 26 Montreal, QC @ La PBR^

March 27 Ottawa, ON @ Le Bistro^

March 28 Toronto, ON @ Hard Luck^

March 30 Buffalo, NY @ Sugar City^ %

March 31 Cleveland, OH @ Now That’s Class%

April 1 Detroit, MI @ The Sanctuary%

April 2 Chicago, IL @ Club Rectum%

April 3 Omaha, NE @ Midtown Art Supply

April 4 Cheyenne, WY @ Ernie November

* w/ Purge

^ w/ Old Wounds

% w/ Hollow Earth

# Full of Hell

Deathwish Fest Day 2: Live At The Middle East, Cambridge MA


deathwish fest


The first annual Deathwish Fest was met with a ton of enthusiasm from hardcore and metal fans far and wide. Set in Cambridge MA, at the legendary Middle East Night Club over two days, near the home base of Deathwish Inc. (Records), it was a near immediate total sell out, before changing venues. Headlined both days by Converge and Trap Them, Day One also featured Cult Leader, Doomriders, Blacklisted, Modern Life is War, Self Defense Family, and Harm Wulf. Picking up on Day Two with the review is our own Sean Pierre-Antoine.


I was almost certain I wouldn’t make it to Deathwish Fest since tickets kept selling out mere minutes before I could get online to buy them when I had the money to. And by the time tickets had run dry, I was too financially disadvantaged to even fathom attending, and thus I thought my life was spared from the madness sure to unfold during this showcase of the best that Deathwish Inc. -run by Jacob Bannon of Converge- has to offer to our perpetually rotting world of pain. Luckily, a friend/musical collaborator scored a couple of extra tickets from someone at non-extortion prices, and long story short, I didn’t have to see Devourment instead that night. I hear they were kind of disappointing anyway, but we’re not here to discuss the merits of something I didn’t attend. These are the facts.

Unfortunately I ended up missing the first handful of bands because I was not in possession of my own ticket. Poor planning on my part, and my benefactor being a little later than planned factored into my not catching Boston’s most negative wrecking crew in New Lows, Harm Wulf, a project run by George Hirsch of Blacklisted (celebrating the birthday of Robby Redcheeks), and what I have heard described as “Deafheaven if they were hardcore”, the angular Oathbreaker. No matter, as I have seen and caused my share of mayhem during NL, am unfamiliar with Harm Wulf and Blacklisted, and I’m sad to admit, but Oathbreaker just doesn’t pique my interest.

I was, however, quite interested in catching North Carolina’s YAITW (mercifully short for Young And In The Way), a mixture of Cursed style hardcore/crust/sludge and the most cruel black metal their side of the Mason-Dixon Line, drawing from the legendary Mayhem, among others. For three years they have done this, and for three years it has been good, for there was equal amounts headbanging to the sections that were reminiscent of Norwegian masters, and hardcore pit thuggery that reminded you of their Deathwish heritage. With Black Metal and Hardcore imagery becoming ever more intertwined in a morass of inverted crosses, endless images of our beloved moon in varying states of decay and occult significance, and desolate wastescapes dispensing of all colour schemes in favour of nihilistic monochrome, is it any small wonder that a band like YAITW is here to fill the void our souls once inhabited before we picked up out first Misfits record?



Next up were the Louisville delegation, Coliseum, fronted by artist extraordinaire Ryan Patterson, who has penned album and merchandise designs familiar to anyone into hardcore with a sludgy bent, which is, coincidentally, the kind his crew plays. I really do want to like this band more; they simply fall into the same camp as their peers in Doomriders, who have killer imagery and a respectable mix of sludge, hardcore, and good old fashioned home-cooked rock’n’roll -I call it ‘rock’n’core’, spread that term if you want-, but unfortunately the music just doesn’t get me excited in that visceral way, and I see that as a huge impediment to their appeal. It’s no fault of theirs, as they do wield riffs massive as the hands of a bearded giant, and their tempos are certainly foot-tapping enough to keep them out of the ‘smoke break band’ category for me, but even during their most rousing songs, the crowd moved nary an inch except to either nurse their drinks or socialise while the band dutifully chugged away on stage for the whole of their set.


Trapthem (6 of 21)

Blood stayed at a low boil until hometown heroes of Boston Hahdcoah, Shipwreck Ad took the stage for what was one of the shortest but also more fulfilling opener sets of my show-going career. Packing in only three or four songs of intense East Coast hardcore the way only witnessing Lansdowne Street on Game Day can provoke, this rare but special appearance was quite a treat for those both familiar and not. Being gentlemen and not overstaying their welcome, they allowed Salem, NH/Seattle, WA hardcore polymaths in Trap Them to perform their evil works unimpeded. For an unlucky 13 years, Trap Them has been a caustic fusion of face-fucking grind, low-fi crust, and dizzying metalcore, topped off with that infamous murky Swedish deathsludge guitar tone. Consistently potent and amusical in its hateful delivery. Opening with a new track entitled ‘Salted Crypts’, which is just as negative as the material before, this band shows no signs of ever brightening their musical worldview, and perhaps it’s best/worst if they keep it that way. Whether their assault is a dirgey 3-4 minute long breakdown interspersed with ear-piercing feedback, or tumbling down a mountain of human skulls at breakneck gallop speed, I felt my lips peeled back in a perpetual, hateful snarl that just wouldn’t disappear until each song, or rather, nihilistic sermon, was over. Is it really true what your parents say about rock’n’roll making you evil?


Converge (10 of 14)


By the time the night’s honorees in Converge made it onstage, you can guess I was already a little tired from the earlier acts, because one has to get their money’s worth. It is with great pleasure that I may now announce that I survived Deathwish Fest without injury. The boys opened up with ‘Dark Horse’, and comboed immediately with ‘The Broken Vow’ and ‘Aimless Arrow’, which ensured that few lungs were left unshredded even in their first few minutes. The nightmare in summary; ‘All We Love We Leave Behind’ roared past in what seemed like merely a minute when in reality it is four; ‘Axe To Fall’ crushed like a fallen monument upon the helm of a once grand civilisation; ‘Drop Out’ crept in and out of the shadows before disappearing in a flurry of semi-melody; ‘Trespasses’ and ‘Last Light’ reached out to crush the exposed and wounded hearts of all who can identify with the countless disappointments that Converge’s lyrics detail in resplendent tortured aesthetics. Joined onstage by Stephen Brodsky of like-minded metalcore pioneers Cave In, the band ended their set with a special encore of ‘Plagues’ leading into their celebrated 9-minute epic from No Heroes, the coveted ‘Grim Heart/Black Rose’, for a rare performance. God, if you exist, cross out my curséd soul; it would bring me to tears were I hydrated enough.


Converge (1 of 14) 


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Deathwish Inc on Facebook