Kentucky Hardcore stalwarts Knocked Loose continue to march forward in their vision of beatdown in the form of their third full-length, You Won’t Go Before You’re Supposed To (Pure Noise). Twenty-seven minutes of cathartic aggression laced with panic riffs of nu-metal fame and climaxing at soul-crushing breakdowns is all the band needs to prove their rightful spot in the upper echelon of modern Hardcore. With three absolute banger singles put out before release of the album, the rest of the tracks need to stand out on their own as well, which they do.Continue reading
Tag Archives: Tim Ledin
ALBUM REVIEW: Crawl – Altar of Disgust
Sometimes all that’s needed on a rough day is some crusty Death Metal. Luck would have it that Crawl has dropped their sophomore full-length, Altar of Disgust (Transcending Obscurity Records), and it is a journey, to say the least. Ten songs (eleven counting an intro) at just over thirty minutes is the perfect portion size for such an aggressive and abrasive collection of songs. These Swedish death metallers have one goal in mind: to crush you under the weight of their riffs and breakdowns.
ALBUM REVIEW: Engulfed – Unearthly Litanies of Despair
Death metal has always been a very hit-or-miss subgenre for me but most of it I do appreciate it. In good news, I have been listening to the new Engulfed album, Unearthly Litanies of Despair (Me Saco Un Ojo/Dark Descent Records), and it is certainly a hit and not a miss. Just shy of forty minutes, the four-piece from Turkey slams and shreds their way through your cranium. Just the right mixture of grimy OSDM and technical fretwork gives this album some replayability.Continue reading
ALBUM REVIEW: Ingested – The Tide Of Death And Fractured Dreams
Deathcore stalwarts, Ingested, once again release into the world their own blend of pig squeals, breakdowns, and hypnotizing guitar leads. This collection of slamming tracks makes up their eighth full-length album called The Tide Of Death And Fractured Dreams (Metal Blade Records). While the subgenre has fallen far from its once prominent standing in the heavy music world, the UK natives put together quality deathcore without trying anything too experimental. Ten tracks hit you right in the face for forty-five minutes before finally letting go.Continue reading
ALBUM REVIEW: The Absence – The Absence
Every so often, I get a message from the captain here at Ghost Cult to potentially squeeze in a review. Let’s just say, this was an easy “sure thing” when I saw it was the new, self-titled album by The Absence (Listenable Insanity Records). While it has been a while since I last listened to these Floridian thrash-meets-melodic-death-metalers, the lineup has seen some big changes outside of vocalist Jamie Stewart and returning drummer Jeramie Kling. The good news: we all get another thirty-seven minutes worth of killer, groovy, riff-tastic, death metal!Continue reading
ALBUM REVIEW: Spaced – This Is All We Ever Get
As we close in on the end of the first quarter of 2024, our ear holes are blessed with some new spacey Hardcore in the form of Spaced and their debut, This Is All We Ever Get (Revelation Records). This album is a quick/ one with only eight tracks and the longest track being around two and a half minutes, but it gets its point across without going stale.Continue reading
ALBUM REVIEW: Aborted – Vault Of Horrors
For nearly thirty years, Aborted has been the backbone of the Death Metal scene. With another release in the collection, the Vault of Horrors (Nuclear Blast Records) has been opened. Continue reading
ALBUM REVIEW: Job For A Cowboy – Moon Healer
It has been many years, but finally, the return of Job For A Cowboy is upon us!
Once known for a certain EP that helped pioneer an entire genre we call deathcore, JFAC has since evolved greatly and picked up where they left off with their new release, Moon Healer (Metal Blade Records). This journey through a person seeking enlightenment through some pseudo-alchemy edibles is the level of chaos that the death metal world was yearning for.Continue reading
ALBUM REVIEW: The Sorrow Of Being Immaculate – Church Music for Satanists
It has been quite a long time since I last sat down and attempted to listen to something on the drone end of the Doom/Sludge Metal spectrum. Continue reading
EP REVIEW: Dripping Decay – Ripping Remains
I was just thinking about how my gym setlist has been lacking in death metal of late. Fortunately I think I found some good cardio workout music in the latest release from Dripping Decay and their new EP, Ripping Remains (Satanik Royalty).
Their ranks include some well known names on the death metal scene: Jackson Jordon (Conducting From The Grave) and Jason Borton (Jungle Rot), so you know you are in for a treat. At a blazing seventeen and a half minutes, that includes a Halloween cover, is a snack-sized death-grind record that any heavy music fan can find enjoyment in.Continue reading