ALBUM REVIEW: Thou – Umbilical

As the summer in the Northern Hemisphere approaches, I always find a nice doom or sludge album really sets the mood for a day of yard work, or just sitting on the deck with a cold beer. The new album from Thou, Umbilical (Sacred Bones Records), may not fit that exact moment, but it certainly would fit in for after the sun sets and the flames rise in the firepits and the tips of our joints. Continue reading

INTERVIEW: Rae and Kayhan of Wretched Blessing (Yautja, Immortal Bird, Coliseum) Breakdown Their Debut EP

In this new episode, we chatted with the new Chicago-based extreme metal duo Wretched Blessing released their debut self-titled EP! Featuring members of Yautja, Immortal Bird, Coliseum, and other projects, the duo of Rae Amitay and Kayhan Vaziri are united by their love of all things, heavy, and complex, but also curious to step out of their comfort zones and challenge themselves. In this wide-ranging chat with Keefy about the formation of the group, the writing process, a track-by-track breakdown, the artwork, hot takes about Chicago living and much more!Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Knocked Loose – You Won’t Go Before You’re Supposed To

Kentucky Hardcore stalwarts Knocked Loose continue to march forward in their vision of beatdown in the form of their third full-length, You Won’t Go Before You’re Supposed To (Pure Noise). Twenty-seven minutes of cathartic aggression laced with panic riffs of nu-metal fame and climaxing at soul-crushing breakdowns is all the band needs to prove their rightful spot in the upper echelon of modern Hardcore. With three absolute banger singles put out before release of the album, the rest of the tracks need to stand out on their own as well, which they do.Continue reading

CONCERT REVIEW: Alkaline Trio – Drug Church – The Worriers Live at The Masonic 

Don’t ever go to an Emo Punk show with a broken heart. This is not based on any empirical evidence, just advice from my own experience with this show. Maybe I went to my first long-term romantic post-break-up show 15 years ago, but it was Slapshot and Sam Black Church, so different vibes that night. But take my word for it, it’ll wreck you if you do. Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Spaced – This Is All We Ever Get

As we close in on the end of the first quarter of 2024, our ear holes are blessed with some new spacey Hardcore in the form of Spaced and their debut, This Is All We Ever Get (Revelation Records). This album is a quick/ one with only eight tracks and the longest track being around two and a half minutes, but it gets its point across without going stale.Continue reading

EP REVIEW: The Hope Conspiracy – Confusion – Chaos – Misery

One of the best parts of writing for Ghost Cult Magazine is getting so many new bands’ (to me) albums to review that absolutely blow me away. Continue reading

PODCAST: Glacially Musical 163: D.R.I. – “Thrash Zone” and Early Discography Tier List

In our 5th episode on Dirty Rotten Imbeciles a.k.a. – D.R.I., our journey comes to an end with “Thrash Zone!” Nik and his co-host Keefy of GhostCultMag  reflect on the series, D.R.I.’s importance to Hardcore and Thrash Metal, and Keefy sings the “Give A Hoot – Don’t Pollute” commercial from the 1980s.”


 Check out our last series on the early classics of GWAR:


Listen to Nik and Keefy talk Kiss over at Ghost Cult  :

 For Rock and Metal news:

For vinyl porn:

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Invest In Vinyl mylar inner sleeves 


0:00 Intro
1:00 Beer ✅ Nik –  Voodoo Ranger IPA ,  Keefy –  Oscar Blues Mamma’s Yella Pills
2:19 Vinyl ✅ Nik –  Dolly Parton,  Keefy –   Opeth
7:23 News ✅ Nik –  KISS – Bruce Kulick – Union with John Corabi, Vinnie Vincent – Ace Frehley news, Keith –   @slipknot  drama and lawsuit,  @rageagainstthemachineofficial  breaks up
20:39 Shirt ✅ Nik – Voltron,  Keefy –  God Forbid
21:25 Meat ✅ D.R.I. Thrash Zone discussion and track-by-track review. 1989 in Baseball,  @1989 in thrash metal. Is this the best D.R.I. album?  We rank all of the D.R.I. albums.
48:00 Please like and subscribe! 

This is the “finger fudge pour: 


PODCAST: Glacially Musical 162: D.R.I. – “4 of A Kind” Reviewed and We Love the Late 1980s

In our 4th episode on Dirty Rotten Imbeciles a.k.a. – D.R.I., Nik of Glacially Musical and Keefy of GhostCultMag discuss “4 of A Kind!” We talked about old Ronnie Reagan, the politics of wealth disparity, and recapped Nik’s birthday shenanigans in Las Vegas. Keefy sings Ozzy too!Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Fuming Mouth – Last Day of Sun


Nothing makes me feel more proud than when a local band from the Boston scene makes it. I’ve been a big fan of Fuming Mouth over the years of their growth and was pleased to find their sophomore full-length, Last Day of Sun (Nuclear Blast Records), in my bin.

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ALBUM REVIEW: END – The Sin of Human Frailty


Sometimes a good ol’ dose of angry music is what the doctor ordered. This year certainly had some bangers of this category, but one of the best so far is END’s latest effort, The Sin of Human Frailty (Closed Casket Activities). Thirty minutes of sonic aggression comes jam-packed in the form of this metalcore supergroup’s sophomore full-length. 

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