EP REVIEW: END – Cult Leader – Gather and Mourn


It is one thing to put together a memorable album, but to do so in the form of a split with multiple bands recording tracks for the album takes quite a vision. On many occasions, labelmates will end up putting out splits, or perhaps just friends in the scene. For END and Cult Leader, this match-up feels as natural as salt and pepper. In thirteen minutes (two songs per band), Gather & Mourn (Deathwish Inc/Closed Casket Activities) puts forth so much energy and aggression, no wonder only four tracks could fit.Continue reading

Totaled – Lament

Blackened Hardcore is beginning to have its day in the sun. This is, relatively speaking, of course,  as the amalgamative subgenre still firmly lives and breathes in the underground, but the likes of Svalbard and KEN Mode have been making serious waves with their critically acclaimed latest releases.

Exhaling from the ashes of acrimony, Totaled formed in 2017 and bring us their debut album, Lament (Profound Lore) and their take on Blackened Hardcore.Continue reading

Wolf King – Loyal To The Soil

For those who hold music as dear to their hearts and their being as much as I’m sure you, the reader do, there is nothing quite like that discovery of a new band, perhaps out of nowhere, that captures so much about what you love in music. That feeling of finding a band in their early stages that stays with you, that smashes it out of the park, perhaps on the first try, and that both excites you so much and that you feel may break out in time to come. Ladies and gentleman; Wolf King may just well be that band for you. Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Oathbreaker – Rheia


The first two albums from Church of Ra-affiliated Belgians Oathbreaker were fiery slabs of dark anger which nevertheless possessed hints of invention: gaining the band a reputation further enhanced with an incendiary set at last year’s Damnation festival. Nothing, however, pointed to the emotional might and unbridled creativity of new album Rheia (Deathwish Inc.) Continue reading