ALBUM REVIEW: Neckbreakker – Within The Viscera

Name changes can be important. Many great bands start out under completely different names only to find a quick re-evaluation of their brand is key to their eventual success. 

In the case of Neckbreakker, language appears to have been at least partly responsible as their recent name change alters nothing in its meaning, just the form in which it is delivered. Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Exelerate – Exelerate


I didn’t know what to expect when I found Exelerate’s self-titled (From The Vaults) debut album sitting in my inbox for review. I’m usually up past my eyeballs reviewing every filthy death metal and trashy thrash release I can get my grubby mitts on. Exelerate is a power metal band out of Europe and are a hard right turn from what I usually check out. 

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ALBUM REVIEW: Baest – Necro Sapiens

Death Metal is in rude health. It is a status that has been brewing and broiling over the last ten years, with pushes and spurts in pocketed sub-sub genres, until now the whole scene, and its multitude of variants and mutations and off-shoots, feels like it is not just doing alright, but burgeoning with a lush virility unseen since it’s fomentation some thirty years ago. 

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EXCLUSIVE STREAM: The Sonic Dawn Shares “Young Love, Old Hate” Single

Danish throwback Psychedelic Rockers The Sonic Dawn will release their new album next spring, via one of our favorite labels, Heavy Psych Sounds. Ghost Cult is jazzed to share their excellent new single ‘Young Love, Old Hate’ today! The track calls back to the swinging 1960s musically but definitely turns up the pathos and depth in terms of songcraft as the band ready their crucial fourth album. Enter The Mirage releases next March 27th, but in the meantime ‘Young Love, Old Hate’ will get you warmed up! Get ready to jam this great track and turn it up right now! Continue reading

Volbeat – Let’s Boogie! Live From Telia Parken

For the uninitiated, Volbeat is not just an international success, but a very big deal in their home country of Denmark. Perhaps not yet as ubiquitous as more favorite sons Lars Ulrich (more about him later) and King Diamond, but pretty big. Volbeat has cool albums, but the live experience is what seals the deal (see what I did there?). The band is simply incredible live, playing up to the fans, entertaining every second and making a giant crowd of nearly 50,000 feel intimate. All while the band just jams their hits and deep cuts alike on Let’s Boogie! Live From Telia Parken (Republic). It’s a testament to why they are one of the best rock and heavy metal bands in the world right now. Continue reading

Coldblack Sign With Artery Recordings, Drop New Video- Circles

Danish metalcore upstarts Coldblack (sometimes stylized as Cold Black have signed with Artery Recordings and will release their debut album Circles on August 18th. You can check out the first video and single from the album, the title track ‘Circles’, below:Continue reading