New Melodic Death Metal band Darkness Everywhere unites vocalist – guitarist -drummer Ben Murray (Light This City), guitarist Cameron Stucky (Crepuscle), and renowned muscian, producer, and engineer Zack Ohren (Machine Head, All Shall Perish, Pathology) on bass. The band was formed in late 2020 with the goal of writing songs heavily influenced by the classic mid-1990s Swedish Melo-Death sound. The Bay Area-based band will release their new full-length album, The Seventh Circle, will see a digital release on February 25th through Creator-Destructor – the label owned and operated by Murray. There will be a vinyl version to follow shortly after. The digital preorders are live at their Bandcamp. Listen to the first single “Reign of Chaos” right now!
Tag Archives: melo-death
ALBUM REVIEW: The Lurking Fear – Death Madness Horror Decay
Consistency and identity – albeit a distorted, perturbed sense of being – are the cornerstones of the second album of The Lurking Fear – the “ugly step-child” (according to Tomas Lindberg Redant) of Swedish melodeath rejuvenants At The Gates. There has been a conscious effort to double down and to make clear what was originally “just” a side-project is, why it exists, and just what it’s purpose is. Indeed, as the parent group have taken further strides to redefine and push themselves since their return, particularly this year, so too the offspring has engaged in a campaign of scent-marking; defining their own identity on Death, Madness, Horror, Decay’(Century Media).
ALBUM REVIEW: At The Gates – The Nightmare of Being
At The Gates is a household name to every Melodic Death Metal fan out there. Formed over thirty years ago, this group of guys invigorated the scene by gifting the people with their unruly and extreme proclamations. Along with several other eager acts from their hometown, like Dark Tranquility and In Flames, ATG bolstered what is now defined as Gothenburg Melodic Death Metal. The signature sound that they captured still storms the scene today, showing off the band’s Swedish roots with a grim and wistful flourish. They continue on to profess their dark truths on their new seventh full-length record, The Nightmare of Being (Century Media Records).
Gone In April (ft. Testament’s Steve Di Giorgio) Shares New Music Video – “Haven”
North American Symphonic Melodic Death Metal band Gone In April have premiered their new official video for “Haven.” The group also features Canada and the USA – Testament’s Steve Di Giorgio on bass, filmed the new video at The Great Saltpetre Cave! Watch it now!
EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: King Guillotine – “Annihilation Syndrome”
Ghost Cult has teamed up with rising Pacific Northwest extreme metallers King Guillotine for the debut of their new music video for their track ‘Annihilation Syndrome’. The blistering song is uncompromisingly brutal, has impressive guitar work and will make you want to spontaneously mosh your face off. The band has distinct OSDM grooves, but the flavor and skill of modern European melo-death bands too. Directed and produced by Karl Whinnery and Freddy Heath, you can watch the clip now!Continue reading
In Flames – I, The Mask
In Flames is a band, much like most of the daring few whoever made ground-breaking original art, that seems to be judged forever for their earliest success. While it’s true that that have departed from their original pioneering “Gottenburg sound” of melodic death metal, they are certainly never dull and always capable of solid releases with memorable songs. The chorus of angry, arms-crossed dudes that say “I don’t listen to those guys anymore” will always get drowned out by the die-hards, many whom the band picked up as they exploded in popularity. Once you get past the old narrative of the band that escaped beyond what was narrow sub-genre with four good bands, you can appreciate their entire career arc, which is still evolving on their new album, I, The Mask (Eleven Seven Music Group). Continue reading
Tomb Mold Live At Kung Fu Necktie
Tomb Mold
Live At Kung Fu Necktie, Philadelphia, PA
by Dante Torrieri of Useless Rebel Imaging
Skeletonwitch – Devouring Radiant Light
For many years Skeletonwitch has been a band on the cusp of the elite of American metal bands. From their early blackened thrash era, they earned an army of fans thirsting for some grimness with their circle-pits. A no-nonsense approach and the beer-swilling Berserkers pillaging your town every tour vibe built a reputation of a bunch of guys you not only wanted to support but felt like they could be your friends. Over the course of the last few years since adding vocalist Adam Clemans, their more kvlt musical tastes have refined and now come to the forefront. They have taken great care to remain true to their high standards of writing, lest they let themselves, or the fans down. Continue reading
Light This City – Terminal Bloom
Sometimes you don’t know you miss a band until you remember they’ve been gone. For California’s Light This City, it’s been over eight years since they broke up. Then they put out a new album in Terminal Bloom (Creator- Destructor) and it sounds like they never left. Plus the production is a killer. It sounds clean and gritty at the same time. Zach Ohren has once again produced a melodic thrash and death metal masterpiece.
At The Gates – To Drink From The Night Itself
A new album only four years after their last release? At The Gates are almost returning to their productivity levels of the early-to-mid 1990s. To Drink From The Night Itself (Century Media) is the second album since the Swedish Melodic Death Metal pioneers reformed in 2008, and sixth overall.