ALBUM REVIEW: Rectal Smegma – To Serve and Protect


Back in 2023 this young (not so young), innocent (well, pretty corrupted actually) writer had the pleasure of attending Berlin Deathfest—two days of Death Metal, Slam and Grind. For the pummelling rhythms, churning riffs, turbo-charged energy and just gleeful silliness it’s hard to pick a bigger high point than Dutch, Goregrind four-piece Rectal SmegmaContinue reading

EP REVIEW: Horse Butcher – Horse Butcher

In a world full of two-faced people, misleading information and strings attached to practically everything, Goregrind is the breath of fresh air society needs. Simply put: what you see is what you get.Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Cattle Decapitation – Terrasite


Picking up where the previous record Death Atlas left off, Terrasite (Metal Blade), the tenth album from deathgrind legends Cattle Decapitation finds new life evolving from the charred and blackened carcass of the Earth. Emerging from its human cocoon, the titular beastie – much like the band itself – awakens to continue on its path towards total planetary devastation.

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EP REVIEW: Carcass – Despicable – Nuclear Blast Records

Over thirty years ago, England’s own Carcass came to the scene and shared their glorification of grind and gore. The unhinged and manic sound they conjured found an audience and quickly gained popularity, along with their contemporaries Napalm Death and Godflesh. The surge of the extreme had its time in the sun, but after their 10 year hiatus, Carcass came back in a slightly different mood. In 2013, the group took their well-known viciousness and molded it in with more melody on their sixth full-length, Surgical Steel (Nuclear Blast). They married Grindcore and Melodic Death Metal on that record which got a lot of attention and reminded everyone why these guys are such an original act. After seven years, the band is back again with their EP, Despicable (Nuclear Blast). In just four songs, Carcass takes their significant union of sounds and exemplifies them with new levels of pandemonium.   Continue reading

PODCAST: Episode 83: Sven De Caulwe of Aborted on his New EP and Evading Complacency

Ghost Cult’s Keefy caught up with Death Metal legend Sven “Svencho” De Caulwe of long-running band Aborted recently for an interview. Sven detailed Aborted’s new EP La Grande Mascarade released from Century Media Records on April 17th, 2020. We chatted about the impact of the coronavirus on the music industry, the new EP, the excellent current lineup of the band, how Sven manages his work as a designer outside of the music business, his other side-hustles, how he has been spending some downtime during the quarantine including music, gaming, horror movies, and more. Pre-order the new album La Grande Mascarade here.Continue reading

Carcass Masterpiece “Heartwork” Turns Twenty-Five Years Old

Carcass didn’t invent death metal, but they helped perfect it. The didn’t ascend to the pantheon of the death and goregrind genres overnight either. Their earlier work, especially their debut Reek of Putrefaction, Symphonies of Sickness, and Tools of The Trade and a few EP’s were all growers. The band had a penchant of shifting genres and styles within songs and albums, owing to their talent, but displeasing some of the more ardent fans. They likely didn’t think about this or even discuss it, just musically going wherever the evil spirits guided at the time. This kept their growing fan base agitated, but interested to see what the band would do next in the burgeoning underground scene. So when Heartwork was unleashed on the world (Earache) in 1993, it seemed like all of these elements coalesced. Continue reading

Broken Hope – Mutilated and Assimilated

It’s becoming painfully aware that 2017 is a smashing year for Death Metal. We’ve had an embarrassment of riches in the form of stellar releases from Obituary, Hour of Penance and Suffocation and there’s more coming down the pike from the likes of Dying Fetus, Origin and (gasp) The Faceless. Not to be left out of this guttural gold rush, Chicago’s gore institution Broken Hope have thrown their hat in the ring with Mutilated and Assimilated (Century Media).Continue reading

Obscene Extreme North America Unveils Final Line-Up, Full Schedule

Obcene Extreme fest

Three days of the best grindcore and death metal North America will see the rest of 2015 takes place as Obscene Extreme America gets underway from August 20-23 in Montreal, Canada. The fest as released the final line-up and running times. The three clubs that make up the home base for the weekend Trh Bar, Théâtre Telus, and Katacombes. Tickets are available at their website:

obcene extreme fest can French poster


19:00 – 19:25 – Tba

19:40 – 20:05 – Purgatoire

20:20 – 20:50 – Who Cares?

21:05 – 21:35- Obsolete Mankind

21:50 – 22:20 – Homewrecker

22:35 – 23:05 – P.L.F.

23:20 – 00:00 – Putrid File

00:15 – 01:00 – Noisem



12:00 – 12:20 – Talk Sick

12:30 – 12:50 – G.O.D.

13:00 – 13:20 – Homolka

13:30 – 13:55 – The Drip

14:05 – 14:30 – Corrupt Leaders

14:40 -15:05 – Soil of Ignorance

15:15 -15:40 – Power Of Cup

15:50 – 16:15- Hard Charger

16:25 – 16:50 – Archagathus

17:00 – 17:30 – Aggression

17:40 – 18:10 – P.L.F.

18:20 – 18:50 – Fuck The Facts

19:00 – 19:40 – Putrid Pile

19:50 – 20:30 – Morpheus Descends

20:40 – 21:25 – Jig-Ai

21:25 – 22:20 – Agathocles

22:30 – 23:30 – Gruesome

23:45 – 00:45 – Schirenc Plays Pungent Stench

00:55 – 01:25 – Abdicate



11:00 – 11:20 – Crosstitution

11:30 – 11:50 – Goemagot

12:00 – 12:20 – Biological Monstrosity

12:30 – 12:55 – Mother Brain

13:05 – 13:30 – Putrescence

13:40 – 14:05 – Mesrine

14:15 – 14:40 – Department Of Correction

14:50 – 15:15 – Rumplestiltskin Grinder

15:25 – 15:50 – Full Of Hell

16:00 – 16:30 – Psycho

16:40 – 17:10 – Total Fucking Destruction

17:20 – 17:50 – Soothsayer

18:00 – 18:40 – Inhumate

18:50 – 19:35 – Malignancy

19:45 – 20:30 – Magrudergrind

20:40 – 21:30 – Broken Hope

21:40 – 22:30 – Trap Them

22:45 – 23:35 – Dropdead

23:50 – 00:50 – Immolation

01:00 – 01:30 – Saccage

01:40 – 02:00 – Deche-Charge



15:00 – Bbq / Meet & Greet

16:40 – 17:05 – Deboned

17:20 – 17:45 – Holy Cost

18:00 – 18:30 – !!!TENTACLES!!!

18:45 – 19:15 – Napalm Raid

19:30 – 20:00 – Dysentery

20:15 – 21:00 – System Shit

21:15 – 22:00 – Jig-Ai

22:00 – 01:00 – End Metal Dj

Facebook Event for Obscene Extreme North America

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Obscene Extreme America on Facebook

Obscene Extreme on YouTube


Cloud Rat – Qliphoth


Grindcore is not a genre renowned for embracing diversity. Sure, there are degrees of complexity, sub-sub genres (the much reviled Goregrind and unbelievably-somehow-even-worse Pornogrind being tragic examples) and bands who’ve found their own sound, but the basic template laid down by Siege, Deep Wound and the original Napalm Death The Peel Sessions (Strange Fruit)  is as relevant to the genre now as it ever was.

Which makes Cloud Rat both extremely important and extremely difficult to describe, because their thoughtful, reflective Grind manages to capture musical territory that is both recognisably Grindcore and recognisably different. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly how they accomplish this – they slow down quite a lot, but that’s hardly a new thing; sure, they use spoken word sections and Dark Ambient elements, but again Grind’s involvement with Noise is hardly new. It’s more the way these elements are used, not to crush or destroy but to create a sense of distance and space, which is then contrasted with the more genre-conventional violence and blasting to heighten the impact of both.  “Contemplative” is not a word you might ever have expected to read in a Grindcore review, but for Cloud Rat it honestly fits.

Their third full-length album (fifth if you count odds-and-sods collection Fever Dreams  and Blind River) since 2010, Qliphoth (all Halo of Flies/IFB) is a snapshot of a ferociously dedicated and hardworking band continuing to carve out their own unique sense of what Grindcore can be. It’s a varied collection, its songs as meandering and reflective as my raiding-the-thesaurus-for-words-that-mean-thoughtful would have you expect, while still as savage and devastating as a Grind album should be. Anyone just seeking wall-to-wall blast beats and mosh breakdowns will be disappointed, but it’s not like those are exactly hard to find. Cloud Rat have offered something both more rare and more interesting, and have made themselves genuinely the best new Grindcore band in years in the process.


Cloud Rat on Bandcamp



False Pregnancy – Dance Your Meat Off!!!


If musical genres could be anthropomorphized as people, goregrind would be the ‘special’ cousin who eats road kill and is a little bit too friendly with local farm animals. The four members of False Pregnancy, four self-confessed idiots with alcohol problems would seem to confirm that those who tune extra low and like to grunt like pigs won’t be joining Mensa anytime soon. Having said that, they sure can have fun, as the seventeen minutes of Dance Your Meat Off!!! (Nailjar Records) emphatically proves.

This is quite frankly one of the dumbest records ever recorded; each song only lasts around 90 seconds and features the same low-end, down-tuned chords, indecipherable pig squeals and grunts and absurd, juvenile song titles such as ‘Soft and Juicy Angelina Jolie’s Pussylips’ and ‘Spermnavigator.’ In case things weren’t stupid and offensive enough they throw in an Anal Cunt cover (‘Flower Shop Guy’) complete with falsetto vocals. If the more PC grind bands heard this they would not be pleased. But you know what, all these flaws work to the band’s advantage, for while the riffs may be generic, they are catchy as hell, the atmosphere is like one big party, and the short song lengths ensure it’s impossible to get bored.

The band clearly aren’t taking anything seriously, as indicated by occasional snippets of folk, Euro trance and Volksmusik, that will have you checking they haven’t entered into some bizarre business deal with Spotify. But the truth is they just want to have fun, and it’s likely that if they get offered a mid-afternoon slot at Obscene Extreme with plenty of stage divers on hand, the scale of their ambition will be met. Like Rotten Sound with a lobotomy, False Pregnancy is a prime example of dumbing down and they couldn’t be more welcome.



False Pregnancy on Facebook