ALBUM REVIEW: Tjære & Lil Snus – NikotinTapen


Norway’s very own Sandvika and Finnmark-bound newcomers Tjære and Lil Snus have been doing an impeccable job in representing a consistent branding of an anti-authoritarian death cult that is against bogus, ingenuine, mass-produced capitalist systems in the industry. They strongly aspire to show people who understand their values and what they’re aiming for and to advocate what they stand for. 

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ALBUM REVIEW: Allfather – A Violent Truth – Trepanation Recordings


There is nothing – nothing – clean about Allfather.

Not the production or tuning; not the various vocal methods; not the atmosphere or tone.Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Dawn Ray’d – To Know The Light


The black metal scene has often, and justifiably, been accused of being overly conservative and restrictive. Attempts to make progress within the style or to fuse it with other kinds of music have been met with resistance. Worse still, the stain of far-right politics that has marred certain bands and fans has never been truly rinsed out.

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