Impaled Nazarene, DVNE Added to Inferno Festival 2019


Finnish black metal greats Impaled Nazarene and UK sludge/doom band DVNE have been added to Inferno Festival 2019. The fest already boasts Opeth, Dimmu Borgir, The Black Dahlia Murder, Taake, 1349 and many more. More bands will be announced soon. Check out the full line-up so far below. Continue reading

Opeth Booked For Inferno Metal Festival 2019

Progressive metal giants Opeth have booked a special appearance at Inferno Metal Festival in Oslo, NO in 2019. The festival recently announced such esteemed extreme metal bands as Dimmu Borgir, The Black Dahlia Murder, Taake, 1349 and many more. More bands will be announced soon. Check out the full line-up so far below. Opeth will release Garden of the Titans: Live at Red Rocks Amphitheatre on November 2nd via Moderbolaget Records / Nuclear Blast Entertainment. This historic event was captured for the DVD, Blu-Ray and Vinyl formats during their performance May 11th, 2017 at the Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Denver, CO. Both the DVD and Blu-ray formats include CDs containing the audio as well.

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UPDATED: 70000 Tons Of Metal Announces First Full Wave Of Bands For 2019

70,000 Tons Of Metal (70K of Metal) have completed announcing their first wave of bands for 2019. They include ACCEPT, Eluveitie, Subway to Sally, Vomitory, Delain, Ensiferum, Persefone, Warbringer, The Black Dahlia Murder, Coroner, Tiamat, and Gloryhammer, with many more to come. The cruise will take place from January 31st to February 4th2019 from Fort Lauderdale, FL to Labadee, Haiti. Continue reading

The Black Dahlia Murder, Inculter And Caronte Booked For Inferno 2019

Europe’s longest running and best black and death metal festival, Inferno 2019, has booked three more impressive bands for next spring. The Black Dahlia Murder, Inculter, and Caronte have been added to the killer lineup that already includes Dimmu Borgir, Taake, 1349, Vomitory, Gaahls Wyrd, Carach Angren, Batushka, Tribulation, and many more.Continue reading

Cut Up – Forensic Nightmares


“Not another Swedish death metal band!” I hear you cry. Surely a scene stuffed to the gills with those who worship at the putrid altars of Dismember and Entombed doesn’t need another body to distract attention and replicate clichés? Well you’d be dead wrong of course. Newbies Cut Up have actually been round the block several times, via the local graveyard and abattoir of course, in their previous incarnation as gore merchants Vomitory, who made a lot of noise in their lengthy career but won few hearts and minds. Do these seasoned veterans still have the bit between their teeth?

The answer is a resounding yes. Cut Up doesn’t so much have the bit between their gnashers as the leg of a freshly slain corpse. Debut album Forensic Nightmares (Metal Blade) is a full-blooded beast of a death metal album that while resolutely old-school in its approach, is possessed of its own, fierce identity and not interested in merely copying the greats of the genre.

No, Cut Up wants to brutally violate your eardrums with a barrage of lethal riffs, thick, serpentine grooves and some truly nasty guttural vocals. Every track served up here is cooked to bloody perfection, from the sickening gut-punch of brief opening tracks ‘Enter Hell’ and ‘Burial Time’ to the lurching filth of ‘Order of the Chainsaw’ and the raging violence of the title track.

The lyrics may deal with the usual blood n’ guts but what do you expect from a band called Cut Up? However, the real surprise is the thick, meaty production that truly gives each instrument some serious heft with the drums in particular sounding utterly devastating. So if the last Bloodbath album left you cold, check out Cut Up’s brand of shit-hot death metal and marvel at how sometimes shedding your skin and being reborn (in blasphemy, of course) is the best way to go.





Cut Up Sign With Metal Blade Records

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Swedish death metallers Cut Up will be releasing their forthcoming album via Metal Blade Records. The band was founded by former Vomitory drummer Tobias Gustafsson and vocalist/bassist Erik Rundqvist after their former band was disbanded after 24 years. They brought in former Coldworker guitarist Anders Bertilsson and former Fetus Wrench guitarist/vocalist Andreas Björnson to complete the lineup

Gustafsson commented:

“I am very happy, proud, honoured and excited to team up with Metal Blade Records once again, this time with Cut Up! Can’t stay away from playing death metal, obviously, so it feels fantastic to have this murderous ensemble together so soon after putting Vomitory into eternal sleep. Cut Up is not just “another project”, but all four members’ new main band. We have made a debut album that we are tremendously satisfied with, both material- and production-wise. We can’t wait to let you hear it! Cut Up aim to hit the stages as soon as the album is released, so we hope to see you all in the front row and in the pit!”

YES! Finally we can announce this! CUT UP has signed a deal with Metal Blade Records!

Posted by Cut Up on Thursday, April 2, 2015

Eindhoven Metal Meeting Preview


This coming weekend thousands will descend on one of the metal capitals of the world for the Eindhoven Metal Meeting! Ghost Cult Magazine is proud to be a media partner with the festival for 2013. Centrally located and accessible to many major cities, this festival seems poised to biggest edition of the fest, going back to the hallowed beginnings in Arnhem a decade ago. In what promises to be a memorable festival lineup worthy of closing out this year of stellar gigs and productions throughout the EU, the promoters have assembled a trove of amazing headliners and support bands for hungry metal fans to feast on. The main set up of the fest is two stages. The Large Stage is sponsored by Large PopMerchandising is where the main action will take place. Not to be outdone, the Jagermeister Stage, also features many well known, killer acts that will likely have fans splitting their skulls and ear drums, going back and forth between the two. On the plus side the running order for the entire fest has been posted and in a genius stroke, the bands will all be alternating sets, so theoretically very few bands will overlap each other. That’s a class move right there, one to be appreciated by today’s discerning metal fan.


The-Dream-Calls-For-Blood-Death-AngelThe lineup is amazing on each day. Kicking things off on December 12th will be a very thrash feeling experience with headline caliber sets likely due from Dew Scented , Death Angel, and Sabbaton on the The Large Stage. The Jager stage will have the likes of Downfall of Empires, Extrema, Zetro Souza’s (Testament, Exodus) new band Hatriot, and Accuser. The headline band for Thursday is the always fun in a live setting Accept.




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Day two might be the most evil and well-balanced lineup on both stages. The Large Stage is notable for a proverbial murders’ row of names such as Fleshgod Apocalypse, Morgoth, Belphegor, Napalm Death, Carpathian Forest (!), Tiamat, and Watain. In addition to the very strong In Solitude, the Jager stage has a lot of grindcore for a good change of pace such as the anticipated reunion from the Church of Pungent Stench, Vomitory, and good old Brutal Truth among others.




To grow a fest like this into a three-day affair, you need to be able come to the table with a strong final act and they have certainly done it here with this collection of bands: The Monolith Deathcult, Destroyer 666, Arkona, Hail Of Bullets, Elvenking, Arcturus, Coroner, and Therion among others. The Jager stage has no slouches either with names such as the recently added Heavenshine, Bodyfarm, Centurion, Hooded Menace, Impaled Nazarene, Nargaroth and Aborym to name a few. This promises to be a great time for all. Ghost Cult will be there to capture all the action and bring you a review soon after. Take care of each other out there and have a good time in the name of metal!

Eindhoven Metal Meeting on Facebook

Buy single day tickets and find info on accomodations here.


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New Bands Announced For The Eindhoven Metal Meeting 2013

emm2013-banner-390x250With the addition of The Church Of Pungent Stench, Vomitory, Hail Of Bullets, Bodyfarm, Asrai and Downfall Of Empires the line-up for Eindhoven Metal Meeting 2013 is now complete, with the exception of three names for Thursday evening that are yet to be announced.Continue reading