A Tribute To The Old Guard – An Interview With Annihilator

annihilator_2013_3In their many years of existence Canadian thrash metal outfit Annihilator survived all the trials and tribulations that left many other bands by the wayside. Feast, their fourteenth (!) studio album is about to see the light of day and it may very well be their strongest effort in a long time. Ghost Cult had the pleasure to talk things through with the band’s resident mouthpiece, the ever chatty and jovial Jeff WatersContinue reading

Ministry – Enjoy The Quiet Live At Wacken 2012

Ministry 4With Ministry on the verge of disappearing the vaults are opened once more and this time around Jourgensen and Co decided to release a live CD/DVD package entitled, Enjoy The Quiet – Live At Wacken 2012.Continue reading

Devin Townsend Project – Retinal Circus

DevinTownsendProject_RetinalCircus_StandAlone (1)Devin Townsend is arguably one of the hardest working and most talented musicians in metal today. Especially over the last couple of years his musical output has been phenomenal. This is also a good moment to offer his fans a sort of career perspective under the guise of the Retinal Circus DVD.Continue reading

A Trip Down Memory Lane – An Interview With Paradise Lost

Ester SegarraThis year signifies the 25th anniversary for doom/death metal outfit Paradise Lost. Ghost Cult caught up with frontman and singer Nick Holmes to probe his mind about PL’s past, present and future, his working relation with guitarist Greg Mackintosh and the band’s peculiar preference for left centre cover songs.Continue reading

Into The Grave 2013 Festival Report

into the grave bannerWhen you’re through with the regular metal festivals, big crowds and ridiculously high ticket, food and beverage prices, the annual Into The Grave festival is arguably one of the best alternatives at hand. Its location in the historic inner city of Leeuwarden can’t be beaten. This year’s third installment brings us a variety of bands like Bliksem, Jungle Rot, Heaven’s Basement, Sodom and Devildriver. Meanwhile, Satyricon and Paradise Lost are the resident headliners.Continue reading

Breath Of Fresh Air – An Interview With Dew-Scented

dewscented2012Assembling a completely new line-up for a band of over 20 years’ provenance—and with eight albums under their belt—must be a daunting and depressing task. But last year, that became the reality for Dew-Scented vocalist and mastermind Leif Jensen. He sat down for an extensive and thoughtful discussion with Ghost Cult, reflecting on his two-decade career, and explaining how an influx of new blood has motivated him to take his music further than ever before.Continue reading

The Return Of Extol – An Interview With Extol

Extol 1Extreme metal and Christianity don’t always make for the friendliest of bedfellows, but for Norwegians Extol, there’s no contradiction between faith and furious riffing. It’s been almost ten years since their last album came out—with supergroups, collaborations and side-projects accounting for the interim span. Now, it’s time for Extol to rise again, beginning a whole new ministry, with their fifth and latest self-titled album. Ghost Cult chatted with drummer David Husvik to learn more.Continue reading