In terms of a normal year for me, this has been anything but normal for attending concerts so far. This is actually been a good change. I decided for my health mental and physical well-being that I need to do less concert and Festival-going than in the past. Five years ago, I might have been at a show 6 days a week when I lived in Brooklyn. Now I’m down to a few every few months. Even though I do suffer from some fomo, I am picking and choosing my spots of when to make an appearance in the local scene here. We’ll see if it keeps up. Not attending my first show until mid-month February is weird for me, let’s just say that.Continue reading
Tag Archives: DNA Lounge
CONCERT REVIEW: Vader – Origin – Inhuuman Condition Live at DNA Lounge
Rolling into DNA Lounge on a Friday night I was disappointed to learn that the doors opened earlier than expected and the first band had already played by the time I walked in. Generally speaking, I always have a good time at DNA Lounge, but this was pretty disappointing, as I like to try to catch all the bands if I can. Despite my old-man at the club status, I do believe in supporting every band on a bill. The number one thing you can do as a club is just be consistent about the basics. Moving on.Continue reading
CONCERT REVIEW: The Convalescence – W.o.R. – Yes Devil Live at D.N.A. Lounge
One of my favorite things about living in the Bay Area is the sheer number and variety of metal shows on a weekly basis. There’s nothing else quite like it and one can always find something new to step outside their musical comfort zone. This week was no exception as I booked it across the bridge to DNA Lounge in San Francisco to hear The Convalescence, W.o.R, and Yes Devil.
CONCERT REVIEW: Narcotic Wasteland – Gorgatron – Tegmentum – Warscythe – Iron Front Live at DNA Lounge
The Bay Area has a knack for bringing in a veritable smorgasbord of metal acts to tantalize our “hearbuds”. DNA Lounge did its part to contribute to that unrivaled variety with the invasion of Narcotic Wasteland, Gorgatron, Tegmentum, Warscythe, and Iron Front recently. Featuring a taste of death metal, progressive metal, and even a little hint of thrash rammed into one night, this was certainly not your average Sunday night hum drum.
CONCERT REVIEW: Profanatica – Panzerfaust – Begrime Exemious Live at DNA Lounge
What better way to spend a screamy, dreamy Tuesday evening, than embarking on a little adventure to the city for a night of black/ death metal at DNA Lounge in San Francisco, CA! I arrived with a clean slate, not having seen any of the bands before and I was anxious to see what type of experience they would deliver.
Pig Destroyer Confirm Upcoming West Coast Dates
Pig Destroyer has confirmed upcoming West Coast dates:
Jan 10: El Corazon – Seattle, WA
Mar 20: Constellation Room at The Observatory – Santa Ana, CA (feat. Despise You, ACXDC & Suspect)
Mar 21: The Roxy – Los Angeles, CA (feat. Nails, Despise You, ACXDC & Dead Beat)
Mar 22: DNA Lounge – San Francisco, CA – (feat. Ghoul, Despise You, ACXDC & Agenda Of Swine)
May 29-31: Temples Festival – Bristol, UK
Jul 8-12: Obscene Extreme Festival – Trutnov, CZ
Pig Destroyer recently released a two song doom EP entitled Mass & Volume, which was previously available for a limited time as a digital only release, but now reissued on limited edition LP and CD via Relapse Records in October. The album can be streamed in its entirety here.
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