Vicious music chameleons Turkey Vulture are back with a new single, from their upcoming second EP, Time To Pay, due out on July 31st. Up until now, the duo from Connecticut has shown shades of Stoner Doom, old-school Punk, local Sea shanty’s, Heavy Metal, and on occasion, Americana with inventive originals and inspired covers. In a new track derived from by the infamous “Crossroads” story of Bluesman Robert Johnson and the Devil, “Old Nick” is a revved-up, proto-metal blues track with a great shuffle beat! Check out the track now!
Tag Archives: Turkey Vulture
Dumb and Dumbest Episode #348: Jessie Of Alternative Control Returns!
Time Management is one of those things that one tends to overlook but can be a huge workflow suck if you are not mindful of it. Jessie May (Alternative Control blog, Owlmaker, Turkey Vulture) joins Keefy and Curtis to discuss her take on getting organized and getting stuff done! Check out Dumb and Dumbest Episode #348: Jessie Of Alternative Control Returns! Dumb and Dumbest is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions), Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR) and Keith Chachkes (Ghost Cult/BDWE Media). In addition to the podcast, Matt, Curtis, and Keith all host The Music Marketing Challenges: low-cost, super high-value private training to bands and artists. And we just launched a Get hands-on practical experience to market your band like a pro today! DM Matt or Curtis at the links below for detailsContinue reading
Turkey Vulture – Boxer
I am from the big, big city (New York) and have never really been a small town type of guy. Sure, I lived in a podunk in New Hampshire for a year which was pretty isolated and anxiety-inducing in its own way. That being said I have no earthly idea what a Turkey Vulture is. Maybe it’s like the psychotic and scary Fisher Cat I heard so much about and never saw up North. Well I looked it up, they kind of look like the Skeksis from The Dark Crystal, is protected by federal law, (thanks Wikipedia) and found out it is a very real, mean ass bird, that is a scavenger (not a shock), but also feeds on the dead. So we are talking one serious bird. Turkey Vulture the band, is also very serious.Continue reading
EXCLUSIVE STREAM: Turkey Vulture – “Boxer” Single
Connecticut’s dynamic duo, Turkey Vulture, a side-project of the excellent Owl Maker band. Continuing the winged avian theme, Turkey Vulture is a politically-charged amalgam of Punk, Metal, Alternative, and Americana in a big ole badass musical stew. The centerpiece of the single is the title track ‘Boxer’, but you will stay for the amazing Dolly Parton meets punk rock cover of ‘Jolene’. The single is out tomorrow and those that purchase on Bandcamp will get the hilarious bonus track, ‘Bee Avenger’! Stream it now!Continue reading
Dumb And Dumbest 101: Interview With Jessie May from Alternative Control and Owl Maker on Feminism
For Alternative Control boss and Owl Maker member Jessie May, her passion about feminism and #metoo is not a movement, it’s part of her life, and has shaped her experience in music. Dumb and Dumbest Podcast #101 is streaming right now, and it’s an Interview With Jessie May from Alternative Control and Owl Maker on Feminism. Dumb and Dumbest is a music industry podcast hosted by music executive Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions) and Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR). Continue reading