Author And Punisher Stream New Album In Full, New Video Debuts

Author And Punisher album cover 2015

Author & Punisher the avant-garde audio and visual powerhouse for artist Tristan Shone, is on the cusp of releasing their new album next week. Melk En Honing from Phil Anselmo’s Housecore label is streaming in full at this link:


There is also a new video for the song ‘Shame’, as seen at this link or below:

Shone commented on the release of Melk En Honing:

Melk En Honing is a deeply personal album, in the same way that Drone Machines was, where each song has really etched itself into my being. Listening, each track pulls at some internal sentiment and it’s powerful. I think it’s probably the closest representation of live Author & Punisher that you will hear and I hope it’s enjoyed across genres.”

Phil Anselmo also commented on the album he produced at his home studio, Nodferatu’s Lair

Tristan Shone is the epitome of what Housecore Records stands for, and looks for in musical expression: absolute originality and innovation. It is our complete pleasure to facilitate such a fantastic, artistic mind and expression of bombastic works. There is no pigeonholing this man’s art.”

Author And Punisher, by Emma Parsons Photography

Author And Punisher, by Emma Parsons Photography

Tristan Shone online

Author And Punisher online

Author and Punisher on Facebook



My Favorite Concert Memory: Jason Walton – Self Spiller / Agalloch

Jason Walton, photo by Earsplit PR

Jason Walton, photo by Earsplit PR


In 1993 I saw Cathedral open for Mercyful Fate in Minneapolis, shortly after the release of their brilliant The Ethereal Mirror album. I was a massive Cathedral fan. Years earlier, in high school, I hand painted their logo on the back of a jacket and wore it daily. I painted the lyrics to ‘Serpent Eve’ down the sleeve of the jacket. Like I said I was a massive fan. Of course I wore this jacket to the gig.


As I walked in the venue, I noticed Lee Dorian hanging around in front. I approached him, showed him the jacket and he agreed to autograph it. We talked nearly for an hour about Cathedral, Napalm Death, about my loves and aspirations, and about the differences between America and the UK.

After Lee left to prepare I walked around the venue and saw Phil Anselmo at the bar. I had no idea why he was there and became even more confused when I realized he was talking with Igor and Max Cavalera of Sepultura. A few months previous to this show I had moved from small town Montana to Minneapolis and this was all quite a shock. I was 18, in the city for the first time and it was also one of my first metal concerts. I was star struck and enthralled.

I then approached Igor and he told me about the album they were releasing soon called Chaos A.D. I was truly amazed at how nice Igor and Lee were and at how honest and open our conversations were as well.


Cathedral played an amazing set and dedicated ‘Soul Sacrifice’ and ‘Ebony Tears’ to me. The overwhelming kindness shown by the bands solidified even further my love for the genre and influenced how I treat fans today.”


Best known for his work as the bassist of Agalloch, Jason Walton’s Self-Spiller project has just seen a reissue of his ambitious Worms in the Keys album on vinyl from Varia Records. Catch Jason on tour with Agalloch all summer.






On The Road… with King Parrot


On tour recently warming up crowds for Weedeater’s US tour, Aussie exports King Parrot have been leaving a trail of sweaty moshers wherever they go. They have been touring almost non-stop for the last few years, except for a short break to record their forthcoming full length album Dead Set (Agonia/Housecore). Produced by none other than Phil Anselmo at his Nodferatu’s Lair studio in Louisiana, Dead Set promises to be a real banger of an album. The band has been honing their chops for a long time to get to this moment, with two recent tours of the US and one in Europe, eyeing even bigger things ahead of them. Captured at TT The Bear’s club by Evil Robb Photography for Ghost Cult, you can see how the party spills from the stage to the crowd every night.

King Parrot, by Evil Robb Photography

King Parrot, by Evil Robb Photography

King Parrot, by Evil Robb Photography

King Parrot, by Evil Robb Photography

King Parrot, by Evil Robb Photography

King Parrot, by Evil Robb Photography

King Parrot, by Evil Robb Photography

King Parrot, by Evil Robb Photography

King Parrot, by Evil Robb Photography

King Parrot, by Evil Robb Photography

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Philip Anselmo, etc Featured On Celtic Frost Covers CD, Track Listing Confirmed

celtic frost book

Corpse Flower Records has put together a Celtic Frost covers record that will be going alongside the Morbid Tales! Book. The list of artists participating features Child Bite with Philip Anselmo, Blood Caldera (featuring Scott Kelly and Jason Roeder of Neurosis), and Coffin’s Slave (featuring Scott Carlson of Repulsion). The record is mastered by James Plotkin and fully designed by Mark Rudolph.

celtic frost covers

Interview: Crowbar – Touring On My Terms

crowbar 3

Crowbar has spent much of 2014 touring behind their tenth full length record titled Symmetry In Black (out now via EOne Music). Already headlining a tour with Revocation, Havok, Fit For An Autopsy and Armed For Apocalypse; the Symmetry In Winter tour with Unearth and Black Crown Initiate, and appearing at Maryland Death Fest and the Scion AV Rockfest, they have kept themselves busy and also celebrating 25 years of the band in the meantime.

Photo By Keith Chachkes

Photo By Keith Chachkes

One thing frontman and guitarist Kirk Windstein did was bow out of his long time “other” band Down in 2013, which the decision helped with him focus on Crowbar instead of balancing multiple bands.

He admits that leaving Down allowed him to put all of his time into Crowbar without juggling schedules. “I do have a clearer vision but it’s not that I have another band to worry about. It’s just that Down is a democracy and so is Crowbar. The difference is, and when I told Phillip [Anselmo], he understood me. ‘You’ve always been in charge of your career. You did what you wanted to do. If you wanted to stop doing Down and do Superjoint [Ritual], you did it. If you wanted to stop that and concentrate on a record label, you did it. Stop that and do a solo record, you did it.’ He was very cool about it, of course. He is my brother. I love him until the day I die. He was very cool about everything.”

“The situation for me in my life had changed to simplify my life was the smartest thing I’ve ever done. Now I’m in control. Now as in an arrogant asshole – I’m in control of when I tour, where I tour, how long I tour. My wife does merchandise. To us, Crowbar is a family business. So if we’re not on the road doing Crowbar, we’re at home being a family. To me, it was a logical, perfect step for us as a family. You saw what you saw and this band kicks ass. I put us against anybody. I ain’t scared of nobody. We don’t need bells and whistles, explosions, dragons, demons, light shows or none of that bullshit. I’m proud of what we do and I believe in what we do. That’s why I’m doing it.”

He said he likes how things are moving along with Crowbar and has regained control of his career. “Now I call my own shots. At my age…not to sound like a dick but I deserve to be in control of my own life and my career. With Crowbar, I do that.”

Interview By Rei Nishimoto

Philip Anselmo Issues Statement On Housecore Horror Film Festival Co-Founder’s Passing

Philip H. Anselmo issued a statement in regards to the sudden passing of his Housecore Horror Film Festival co-founder and best selling true crime author, Corey Mitchell, who suffered a deadly heart attack early Monday morning (October 27, 2014) at Emo’s in Austin, Texas, the venue home of the event. This follows the second edition of the fest’s successful weekend of metal and horror.

Said partner/Housecore Records head, Philip H. Anselmo, in an official statement:

“This is stunning. After a weekend of incredible bands, awesome horror films and masses of fantastic people, tragically, unexpectedly, and with heart-crushing reality, co-founder of The Housecore Horror Film Festival, Corey Mitchell, passed away Monday, October 27th 2014, after the event ended. This is devastating on so many levels, I can’t and won’t go into how tremendous a loss Corey’s untimely death truly is. I was introduced to Corey first and foremost as a best-selling crime author, and shortly after that meeting I agreed to have him as my co-writer of an unfinished novel I’d been working on. It was his idea to create a horror and film festival that would became The Housecore Horror Festival. He had a vision, and no one worked harder than him to see the event through. But forget festivals. Forget books. We lost a great friend. From all of us here at Housecore Records, we extend our utmost condolences to his wife, Audra, and his two beautiful young daughters. This is devastating on countless personal levels, and I’m finding it difficult to type these lines. We lost a brother. We lost a great man with a passion for everything that we love. He will be unfathomably missed… RIP Corey. His legacy will never be forgotten, nor will his friendship. With supremely heavy hearts, we mourn. Sincerely – Philip H. Anselmo”

Phillip Anselmo Corey Mitchell

Mitchell was a Los Angeles Times and Borders International Group bestselling author of several true crime books including Hollywood Death Scenes, Dead And Buried, Murdered Innocents, Evil Eyes, Strangler, Pure Murder, and Savage Son. He was also the founder of the #1 true crime blog, In Cold Blog; a former blogger for the Discovery Channel’s Hollywood on Crime blog; contributor to Metalsucks; and the horror film festival blogger for Bloody Disgusting. His forthcoming eighth true crime book, Teach Me To Kill (about the murder of Diane Tilly), out in the coming weeks. Details on a fund to assist his wife Audra and his two daughters will be announced soon.

Corey Mitchell’s Books on Amazon

Corey Mitchell’s Books on Barnes &