ALBUM REVIEW: Vafurlogi – Í vökulli áþján

The Icelandic music scene has always been an integral part of me that shaped my identity into the person I am today, ever since I was a middle schooler (which is also what got me into learning Icelandic at 12. Who on earth learns Icelandic at 12, in this economy?). The metal festival Eistnaflug and the multi-genre festival Iceland Airwaves have always been on my ongoing bucket list.

Encompassing a wide range of genres, each one of them is all-around dynamic and enjoyable in their own ways. We have stuff like Sin Fang and Pascal Pinon in the Indie/Alternative department, For A Minor Reflection and Sigur Rós in the Post-Rock department, Ólafur Arnalds and Valgeir Sigurðsson in the neo-classical department, FM Belfast and Sykur in the electronic/techno department, even we have the more experimental and avant-garde stuff like Stórsveit Nix Noltes and Múm

But of course, the scene we’ll be talking about today is the Extreme Metal scene of Iceland, which consists of names like Svartidauði, Misþyrming, and Sinmara. Even the project whose debut album I’m reviewing in this article consists of Svartidauði, Sinmara, and Helfró members – which is Vafurlogi with their enchanting debut, Í vökulli áþján!

The labels NoEvDia (Norma Evangelium Diaboli), and Oration Records are teaming up to release Vafurlogi’s Í vökulli áþján, which is an album heavily rooted in early aughts Black Metal, but also drawing inspiration from the creative spirit, rebellion, and traditionalism of the nineties. 

Þórir Garðarsson, who is also involved in two of Iceland’s renowned Extreme Metal overlords Sinmara and Svartidauði, is in charge of vocals and bass in Vafurlogi as he embarks on a powerful new journey through this project. But worry not, for the distinctive characters of those two bands are still intact and ever-present in Vafurlogi, in their own respective ways, while still resulting in a completely new and authentic outcome; this new project combines the apocalyptic, nightmare-inducing realms that Svartidauði has to offer and the haunting atmospherics presented by Sinmara


By converging those two elements, Vafurlogi is birthed, as an autonomous entity that vehemently emphasizes the premise of melodic triumph. If you somehow sense a Havukruunu-esque nuance on this album, it is because the ever-impeccable release Uinuos Syömein Sota is one of the quintessential albums that took a great part in the creative process of Í vökulli áþján as frontman Þórir Garðarsson had said on an interview with NoEvDia.

Overall, this debut release is a mesmerizing diabolical take on Melodic Black Metal with both nineties and aughts elements as Vafurlogi’s main source of creative outlets. Consisting of raw passages and compositional approaches that wear their heart on their sleeves, it is a good start for Vafurlogi’s sonic journey.


Buy the album here:


9 / 10