The two (not entirely insignificant) selling points for Alleviate and their new album, DMNS (Arising Empire) are that the musicians all have credits from other bands and the music is Metalcore, but it’s also technical, has Deathcore influences, and is able to blend all of this together into a forceful display.
Though it can be formulaic at times, it’s not always a hindrance to the overall product. And the screams accentuating the last few lyrics of hooks is always something that deserves its flowers.
Also, it’s refreshing to hear a brand of Metalcore that doesn’t almost solely rely on futuristic-sounding samples or electronics. Or Metalcore that doesn’t sound colorful and radio-friendly.
“Broken” is punchy and dense while also managing to be elegant and smooth. The screams are incredibly commanding and endearing at the same time. The same can be said about “Better,” where passionate shouts fortify the number and add to the attractive overall nature.
Furthermore, let’s analyze the titular track. It starts off with a literal bang as a sultry mix of biting screams and glossy cleans makes for one catchy motherfucker. A maniacal laugh-into-”blegh”-into-breakdown sequence is certainly an effective scene setter.
The Deathcore vibes are strong and at the fore on “Forevermore,” whilst “Alive” brings the zany and furious instrumentations.
And while all this audio assault is happening, Alleviate are also formulating deep songs with personal meaning and realness imbued in the lyrics. Themes of finding one’s strength, especially during the worst moments in life, are on display, as is the idea of actually overcoming that mountain of anxiety and/or depression, at least enough to continue the fight.
DMNS is more of a nuanced approach to Metalcore that enables Alleviate to show off a clear technical prowess that highlights their wealth of abilities and diverse influences. There’s so much to uncover, both lyrically and musically, and it’s done so in a way that is easily digestible without falling victim to the morass of the subgenre.
Buy the album here:
7 / 10