Dark Energy – An Interview With Darkane

Darkane-2013With five years elapsing between their last two records, and a notorious history of bad luck in the studio, Darkane are no strangers to overcoming obstacles for the love of their art. In spite of this, they’ve concocted a career spanning six highly-regarded albums. Their latest, The Sinister Supremacy, reunites the band with original vocalist Lawrence Mackrory, who left shortly after their debut release way back in 1998. Ghost Cult took time to chat with founder and drummer Peter Wildoer to find out where Darkane have been since we saw them last.Continue reading

A New Chapter In The Book Of The Dead – An Interview With Necronomicon

Necronomicon band 1Quebecois extreme metal stalwarts Necronomicon have been plying their trade for fifteen years now, amassing a wealth of material and garnering a loyal hardcore of fanatical followers. With their latest album, Rise Of The Elder Ones (Season Of Mist), just released, we thought it was time to catch up with guitarist/vocalist Rob ‘The Witch’ Tremblay. He shared with Ghost Cult the connection between their new album and 2010’s The Return Of The Witch, and explained why for him, it’s still all about the fans.Continue reading

Summoning The Faithless – An Interview With Lord Dying

Lord DyingOut of Portland comes Lord Dying, an up and coming doom band that possess both promise and musical ability. Vocalist and guitarist Eric Olson gives Ghost Cult the low down on the band, their signing to Relapse and working with Sanford Parker.Continue reading

Impermanent Resonance – An Interview With James LaBrie And Matt Guillory

James LaBrie 1James LaBrie may be best known as the vocalist for prog giants Dream Theater, but he also has a flourishing solo career on the side. His latest solo album is called Impermanent Resonance (Inside Out) and it may very well be his finest solo outing to date. On a sunny afternoon I had the chance to sit down with James and Matt Guillory, his musical partner in crime. We discussed the new album, their working relationship and any tour opportunities with a new Dream Theater album coming up.Continue reading

Cemetary Gates – An Interview With Mick O’Shea

Cemetary Gates 1Last month saw the release of Cemetery Gates – Saints & Survivors Of The Heavy-Metal Scene by Mick O’Shea. The book is a collection of portraits on the more notorious figures within the rock and metal scene who’s party antics became their undoing or at least affected their lives in a significant way. Ghost Cult caught up with the author himself to discuss the backgrounds of this rather disturbing collection of rock and roll tales.Continue reading

Cemetary Gates – An Interview With Laura Coulman

Cemetary Gates 1Last month saw the release of Cemetery Gates – Saints & Survivors Of The Heavy-Metal Scene by Mick O’Shea. The book is a collection of portraits on the more notorious figures within the rock and metal scene who’s party antics became their undoing or at least affected their lives in a significant way. Ghost Cult caught up with co-author Laura Coulman to discuss the backgrounds of this rather disturbing collection of rock and roll tales.. Continue reading

Newsted – Heavy Metal Music

newstedheavymetalmusicoverFormer Metallica bassist Jason Newsted was gone from the public eye after his adventures with Voivod as he chose to focus on a career as a painter. In December 2012 he suddenly emerged from the shadows with a new band and a new EP in tow. Fast forward to the present day because Jason is about to release his first studio full length under the Newsted moniker.Continue reading

Ministry – From Beer To Eternity

Miniistry coverWith 2007’s The Last Sucker Ministry mainman Al Jourgensen claimed it would his band’s final act of musical defiance. Yet in 2012 another album emerged under the Relapse moniker. Al wasn’t too happy being cajoled in another Ministry adventure by his bandmates, but it was a far more inspired effort than its predecessor and an excellent album to go out with a bang. As with 2013, you guessed it Al released another Ministry album, entitled From Beer To EternityContinue reading

A Touch Of History – An Interview With Chthonic

Chthonic 1With debut album Takasago Army Tawainese metal outfit Chthonic really found their stride and it raised their profile considerbly in both Europe and North America; gearing up for the release of Bu-Tik the band is poised for even greater things. Ghost Cult caught up with bassist Doris Yeh to see what’s going on in the Chthonic world.Continue reading