ALBUM REVIEW: Head Cleaner – The Extreme Sound Of Truth


For ten years, Head Cleaner stewed in the grindcore pot, leaving fans wondering what was in store next. The product of that decade of inactivity is an eleven-track, sub-twenty-five-minute onslaught that eloquently calls back to the origins of grindcore and the pioneers who paved the way for such an extreme sub-genre. 

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ALBUM REVIEW: No/Mas – Consume/Deny/Repeat

Grindcore by its very nature, is polarizing. It’s either unapproachably abrasive or energizingly frenetic; disorganized noise pollution or homicidally refreshing.

No/Mas stakes their claim by presenting a grindcore record peppered with intricacies that are as subtle as they are appreciated. One or two cycles isn’t enough to fully absorb the wonders that lie within Consume/Deny/Repeat (Closed Casket Activities)

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