ALBUM REVIEW: Malconfort – Humanism

In a world where you can never keep on top of everything being released, we can be pretty confident that there isn’t anything else in 2024 quite like Malconfort and the band’s debut, Humanism (Transcending Obscurity Records).Continue reading

EP ALBUM REVIEW: Act Of Entropy- Oupiroullel

Despite the world known adage that you should “never judge a book by its cover”, sometimes cover art is an excellent snapshot that gives a good indication of what is to come. The artwork in the case of Oupiroullel (Centipede Abyss) manages to both indicate what is to come with its frenzied, warped and vivid artwork, whilst somehow doing absolutely nothing to give preparation.
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EXCLUSIVE ALBUM STREAM: Ophidian Forest – “VotIve”

Experimental multi-national Black Metal collective Ophidian Forest are releasing their new opus tomorrow – VotIve (Code666). With a tremendous lineage, (ex-con , ex-Rubicon, Botanist, Lotus Thief, ex-Ordo Obsidium, ex-Utter Bastard, Book of Sand), the group has piqued the interest of many around the world with their lineup split between the USA and The Netherlands. The sound is definitely a result of divergent, creative thinking. The band draws from many influences, be it eerie synths, frosty grim old-school explorations, naturalist folk-inspired USBM bleakness, or even free Jazz to create an intoxicating style. Ghost Cult is proud to team up with the band to present their full album stream. Check it out! Continue reading

Stellar Master Elite – III: Eternalism – The Psychospherical Chapter


Okay, what’s the deal with bands who name themselves after song titles? Being honest about your influences is one thing, of course, but naming yourself after an album- or song-title – especially when it’s from an acknowledged classic of your genre – seems like one step up from being a tribute band and only playing covers.

Stellar Master Elite, you won’t be surprised to learn, are rather fond of Thorns, and the music on III: Eternalism – The Psychospherical Chapter (Essential Purification) takes its main cues from their eponymous classic debut. Shimmering, riff-heavy Black(ish) Metal drenched in spacey synths and effect-laden vocals, it also borrows openly from 666 International (Moonfog) and Grand Declaration Of War (Season of Mist/Necropolis), firmly embracing that late-90’s vision of the future that’s starting to sound like an artefact of a specific place and time.  Not that this is pure nostalgia – they’ve also picked up a beefy modern sound that lends a weight and power that few of its predecessors had.

There’s a lot to like about Eternalism – some genuinely effective riffs, a good sense of atmosphere and a strong vocal performance in particular can validate time invested in it – but just as many things against it. It’s very late 90s approach to experimentalism sounds almost twee compared to (slightly) more recent BM deviants like Blut Aus Nord or DSO. The slow pace and reliance on spooky noises can sap some of the energy from the music and create moments of boredom. Most of all, though, they suffer in comparison to the band they’ve taken their name from – while their sound is superficially very similar to that of Thorns, they lack the feeling of sheer, unbridled creativity and otherness that made that album such a punch in the face at the time.

Competent, often engaging but, ultimately, too content to simply re-tread someone else’s former glories, Eternalism is an album that just doesn’t have enough of its own character to justify its existence in a world where “weird” and “experimental” are often more common than generic.

