Thou Releases New Nirvana Covers Album As a Digital Release 

Thou rules, and if you are not aware, they do lots of covers. Mainly they do inventive takes on classic songs. Over the years, Thou has released a whole lot of covers and especially Nirvana covers. Sometimes, those covers have been relatively easy to find, as with the version of “Floyd The Barber” on the 2016 Bleach tribute album Doused In Mud, Soaked In Bleach. Some of those covers have been pretty hard to track down. Today, though, Thou has put them all together. Now they have released Blessings Of The Highest Order, a new digital collection of all the Nirvana covers that they’ve released over the years. The album showed up mysteriously on Spotify last week, with no advance warning and no social-media alert from the band. Now it’s on Bandcamp and out via Robotic Empire. Check it out! Continue reading

Nirvana’s Kurt Cobain – 25 Years Later

For those of a certain age, the news that twenty-five years have passed since the death of Kurt Donald Cobain will scarcely be believable. But it is 25 years and yes, you do now feel old. You probably still feel sad and melancholy. Time has a terrible way of playing tricks with your memory but the passing of Nirvana’s frontman still resonates as if it were yesterday. The past remains, undoubtedly, a foreign country but I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing. I was in laundrette in Bristol, England doing a weekend load of washing (this is what students did then). I was listening to the BBC on my five-year-old Sony radio walkman- remember those?- when the terrible, heart-stopping news came through on that grey, terrible slate grey April day.

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Irk – Recipes From The Bible

I get a real kick not only out of reviewing a band from the UK, but also a band that are from the city I hold very dear. Irk are a Noise Rock trio from the bastion of Yorkshire, Leeds. It will never be the most commercial genre, but there is a lot about Irk that is worthy of note, and to show exactly what they’re all about, they have served up their self-released crowdfunded debut album, Recipes From The Bible.Continue reading

Nirvana’s Nevermind Album Turns 25


Do you remember where you were on September 24th, 1991? That is, if you were even alive, since it was a quarter century ago. I was in class at community college in my home town. As usual I was hanging out on the soccer field, guitar in hand, hanging with my usual band of freaks, geeks, stoners, punks, metalheads, and the like. The buzz around campus was this song ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit,’ that was not only all over MTV, but also becoming an actual hit song on the radio.

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