Black N’ Blue Bowl 2017 Lineup Announced

The 2017 Black N’ Blue Bowl lineup has just been revealed, and it’s a hardcore fans dream come true. Continue reading

Earth Crisis On Standing Strong In The Music Scene

earth crisis

Veteran Syracuse metallic hardcore outfit Earth Crisis have been championing that sound since the early 1990s while tackling subjects such as animal rights, veganism and fighting environmental issues within their songs. Their hard hitting sound paved the way for the early versions of what was known as metalcore began to influence those who fused hardcore and heavy metal into a brand new sound.

Their moment came full circle as they took part on this year’s Knotfest in Devore, CA and nearly 20 years ago they also played on the first Ozzfest at the very same venue.

earth crisis scott crouse

We’ve been up to California quite a bit for the past few years. We were out here with Terror and Sworn Enemy. We played with One Choice and Cavalera Conspiracy,” said band vocalist Karl Buechner, about their recent treks out west.

Playing the second stage of the fest, they got to take part on one of the larger hard music fests in the United States. Landing a mid day slot on Day One, they were greeted by a packed crowd who were also eager to see other bands such as At The Gates who were on directly after them.

Earth Crisis with At The Gates at Knotfest 2015.

Earth Crisis with At The Gates at Knotfest 2015.

Thank you to Slipknot for hand picking us for the festival and putting us on, and to all of the great bands we got to play with today. It was awesome to see At The Gates. We’re looking forward to seeing Slipknot of course and Judas Priest. It’s a stacked bill. Thanks to all of our fans in California who come out to the shows and supporting Neutralize the Threat and Salvation,” commented Buechner.

earth crisis live

Since their return to the music scene, following a brief hiatus between 2001 and 2007, they have continued to wave the flag for the sound they championed for over two decades. Guitarist Scott Crouse and drummer Dennis Merrick explained about returning from their hiatus, following the release of their 2001 record Slither.


We’ve been doing it since 2007 in a more laid back fashion than we used to,” said Crouse.

We’ve put out three records since then – three full lengths and this year we’ve put out a four song EP – re-recorded two songs from Destroy The Machines and two previously unreleased tracks with Josh Grobelle of Bullet Tooth. We’re still doing stuff. Still playing shows,” said Merrick.

2015 was the 20 year anniversary of the band’s 1995 debut release Destroy The Machines, and the record that introduced a new generation of heavy music fans to a new metallic driven heavy metal sound.


While much of the year was focused around the anniversary set plus the release of their new EP The Discipline, they are concluding that leg with their rescheduled California dates in February 2016.

earth crisis destroy the machines west coast california 2016

We’re pretty much done with that. We had a show booked at Chain Reaction in Anaheim we had to make up. So that will be the last Destroy the Machines show in its entirety show,” said guitarist Scott Crouse.

So far this year, we’ve played the Black N Blue Bowl, Southeast Beast, a festival in Detroit, Carry the Weight Fest VI and a headliner in Sheffield are where we exclusively did the Destroy The Machines set,” added Buechner.


Would they look into doing other albums in its entirety? Crouse mentioned the next in line was their 1996 album Gomorrah’s Season Ends. “It’s a lot of re-learning,” he said.

It would be cool to combine some songs from Gomorrah’s [Season Ends] and Breed [The Killers]. Maybe do a combo set,” said Buechner, thinking aloud.

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Being that Earth Crisis has celebrated 24 years of existence total, their message behind their songs has not changed much over the years. Themes such as animal rights, environmental issues and veganism are still a central part of the band’s message, which is now adapted towards what is happening in modern times.

Our message is the same. We believe in kindness towards animals. I think one of the reasons we grew up with those thoughts that are in the forethoughts in our minds was because in Syracuse the city is on the shores of one of the most polluted lakes in North America are on Lake Onondaga [and] have all sorts of toxic poisons in it with factories and clouds of pollution going into the sky – something that would settle around us. A little bit to the north were the dead lakes in the Adirondacks. There was acid rain coming in from Canada, carrying all of the poisons from the factories, and all of the fish and vegetation were dying.

When Dennis and I were teenagers, Chernobyl happened. It definitely felt like things were being destroyed around us. So that’s why we took it so seriously,” said Buechner.

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I think now too, veganism for diet has been more of a mainstream thing. The plight of animals is still there. In a way it’s gotten to be more at a critical point. Factory farming has gotten so huge. People are still consuming insane amounts of meat, even though veganism is getting more mainstream.

There’s still tons of animals dying and being tortured in laboratories. A lot of organizations end up still doing things, like that No New Animals Lab organization from Seattle trying to stop the killing in underground animal laboratories. The Sheff campaign was a real successful campaign trying to stop animal testing. There’s still very good reasons why we’re doing what we do. The last record Salvation is focused on animal testing more than it was on the meat industry,” added Merrick.

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One hotly contested subject that could appear on their future albums is Monsanto, the controversial sustainable agricultural company who has been linked with dumping poisonous chemicals into commonly eaten foods and their ties within the food industry. The band has referenced them, alongside subjects such as genetic engineering and modifying plants for human use on their two recent albums, To the Death and Neutralize the Threat, which adds to their arsenal of hot topics worked into their songs.

earth crisis neutralize the threat

The more you dig into that the more diabolical it is. Their new game – what they’re doing is buying up natural companies and then they use them to stop bills that are labeling genetically modifying ingredients.

What they’re for – they’re against labeling, which really Monsanto owns. A lot of these mainstream health products you see in all of the stores, Monsanto has their hands [on them]. They have their hands on their enemies to try to sway the public,” said Crouse, about the controversial company.


I’m not sure if this is a proven fact or not, but one of the rumors is that in Monsanto or one of the places where the scientists design these things. They have organic food in their cafeteria.

We’ve never put that much emphasis on the health benefits of veganism. We’ve always tried to come from the animal liberation side of things to get people to understand what was going on in the laboratories and factory farms and the slaughter houses and the ranches and the Japanese whaling fleets and everything else that’s going on. The oceans are dying,” added Buechner.

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Earth Crisis was well recognized for including the veganism subject within many of their songs. While this was one of many subjects the band was well known for, the general attitude towards the band and the subjects they based their songs around had greatly changed over the years. Veganism was no longer a taboo subject, and something the public became a bit more open towards.

In a way back then when we started people didn’t know what veganism was in the mainstream but there was definitely a lot of underground support for it,” explained Merrick. “In the punk and hardcore community there were a lot of kids that were vegan and that’s kind of shifted. I think veganism for health reasons in a lot of ways have been co-opted by the mainstream and less popular in the underground punk scene. It’s counter culture because it’s not considered a mainstream thing.

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It’s not a struggle as much. Maybe the counterculture kids steer away from it because their mom or their mom’s friend might be vegan,” said Crouse.

In some ways it was a good it was co-opted by the mainstream for vegans, whether it was for animal rights or health or environmental issues. It’s for the animals and the environment anyways,” added Merrick.

While Earth Crisis is running once again, the various members have their other musical ventures happening at the same time. Buechner gave the status of his other band Freya, who had been working on their new album, and how the two bands’ schedules balance out.

We actually had the drummer from Soilwork (Dirk Verbeuren) play on our new record. It’s done and my guitar player (Brendan Flynn) is doing all of the artwork and the layout,” he said.


Hello everyone! We have both good and bad news to share with you today. We have parted ways with our bass player Bill…

Posted by Freya on Tuesday, February 17, 2015

It actually has worked out very well balancing things between the two bands. Freya’s actually played more countries in Europe than Earth Crisis has at this point. We were further into the east last time we went over. We stayed for two months. So it’s great. We work on Earth Crisis and then when people want to focus on other things….I mean all of these guys do other bands as well. Scott’s working on a band with Jimmy [Chang] from Gut Feeling and the singer of Cursed, and Andy [Hurley] of Fall Out Boy. I’m working on Freya.

By Rei Nishimoto

Roger Miret of Agnostic Front on Touring Cuba

Photo Credit: Silvy Maatman (via Facebook)

Photo Credit: Silvy Maatman (via Facebook)

New York hardcore godfathers Agnostic Front have taken their sound around the globe and spread their music around to a wide variety of audiences. While many have experienced their music and lifestyle, there is one specific country that has set on frontman Roger Miret’s mind – his motherland of Cuba.

He shared his thoughts on the matter:

Absolutely! I was born in Cuba and I just became a citizen in 2006. There is a band called Arrabio and we’ve played a bunch of shows with them in Canada. They’re a Cuban band who plays in Canada. Two years ago I got them to play the Black N Blue Bowl in New York, which was pretty amazing. A hardcore band from Cuba to come to New York City to perform and then go back – that’s unheard of. It’s a shame they didn’t get the publicity they should have gotten or nobody would have cared unfortunately.

They had invited us to go to Cuba. We did all of the paperwork and I sent it into the Department of Treasury. That’s where we had sent all of it to, about two years ago. We were supposed to play a special show in the city that was 500 years old. We were looking forward to it but we sent in our paperwork eight months prior to the show and fast forward four months after the show, I got an email – I still have it saved…and it said ‘we’re reviewing your request here but your date has passed. So there’s no need to move forward with this.’ That was it.

You had eight months to do this and four months afterwards…how many people do you think are trying to go to Cuba? So I left that alone, but it’s a dream of mine to go to Cuba, where I was born to perform and play, and from what I understand, we have a lot of fans out there who know I’m Cuban born. It will be amazing. Hopefully we can make that happen.

Roger Miret of Agnostic Front. Photo Credit: Todd Huber (via Facebook)

Roger Miret of Agnostic Front. Photo Credit: Todd Huber (via Facebook)

Miret shared his thoughts on the changing tides on the US-Cuba relations, and where things could shift towards following bettering diplomatic relations between the two countries, and how that impacts him personally.

I see all of the relations going on right now, opening the gates, which is really cool, but I hope it works not just for the Cuban people [and] it’s not just a political gain on both sides – the Cuban government or the American government. I predict there will be a McDonalds in Cuba pretty soon – give it a year. I hope it works for the people. I see there’s a lot of anger in America, especially Miami, where a lot of the Cubans who left Cuba like my whole family, just because they didn’t believe in the government’s regime and Castro – whatever that’s cool. They had to leave. I left. My family left…whatever.

The mother’s side is all still there. My father’s side is the one to come to America. But now the crazy thing is they all want to claim their property, all of their stuff back. It’s making it harder. All I have to say to that is I understand but what about the people living in the houses that you left and abandoned to come to America in search of liberty and justice and freedom. Do you think it is right to throw them out into the street? So that’s what my big question is. People need to be humanitarians first. Everybody’s so greedy. It’s always about materialistic stuff. Let’s think about the people and let’s hope that it’s a good thing for the people.

I read an article a year ago in Time Magazine or LIFE that the Cuban population is dying off because there was no hope and people don’t want to have children. There’s nothing worth it for them to have children. Funny thing is eight months later the gates are opening up. So it’s giving the people hope. Let’s see if it works out.

By Rei Nishimoto

Audio: Wisdom In Chains – Violent Americans

wisdom in chains

Wisdom In Chains is streaming “Violent Americans,” off of The God Rhythm, out this summer via Fast Break! Records below. The music for The God Rhythm was recorded by Len Carmichael — drums and bass Trax East and guitars at Carmichael Sound — and the vocals recorded at Mountainside Studios by Rich Rescigno, and the album’s tattoo-style artwork by Chris Jones bears obvious and obfuscated meanings, which carry through the entire layout by Jonathan Buske.

The band has a string of live dates coming up.

May 17: Webster Hall – New York, NY (Black N’ Blue Bowl)
Jun 27: Club Reverb – Reading, PA (Record Release Show)
Jul 23: The Electric Factory – Philadelphia, PA (This Is Hardcore)

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Trailer: Wisdom In Chains – Making Of The God Rhythm

wisdom in chains

Eastern Pennsylvania hardcore outfit Wisdom In Chains is streaming their eleven minute trailer for the making of The God Rhythm, their new album out June 30, 2015 via Fast Break! Records. Watch it below.

The God Rhythm Track Listing:
01: People Die
02: When We Were Young
03: Resonate
04: How Far Will You Go
05: Songs to My Killer
06: Thorn In Your Side
07: Mathematics
08: Fatherless
09: Best of Me
10: The God Rhythm
11: Violent Americans
12: Joey Ramone
13: Skinhead Gang
14: Outro

Apr 18: The Palladium – Worcester, MA (New England Metal & Hardcore Fest)
May 17: Webster Hall – New York, NY (Black N’ Blue Bowl)
Jun 27: Club Reverb – Reading, PA (record release show)
Jul 23: The Electric Factory – Philadelphia, PA (This Is Hardcore Fest)

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Wisdom In Chains Confirm Upcoming Shows

wisdom in chains

Stroudsburg, PA powerhouse Wisdom In Chains has confirmed a string of upcoming shows in support of their upcoming fifth full length recording, out June 30, 2015 via Fast Break! Records.

Apr 11: The Foundry – Lakewood, OH (The Big Show)
Apr 18: The Palladium – Worcester, MA (New England Metal & Hardcore Fest)
May 16: Webster Hall – New York, NY (Black N’ Blue Bowl)
Jul 23: The Electric Factory – Philadelphia, PA (This Is Hardcore)

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Reunited Burn To Perform At Black N Blue Bowl With Glassjaw Members


The reunited Burn will be taking part of Black N Blue Bowl at Webster Hall in New York City, NY on May 17, 2015 and the lineup will consist of frontman Chaka Malik (Orange 9mm) and guitarist Gavin Van Vlack, along with former bassist Manny Carrero (Glassjaw) and drummer Durjah Lang (Glassjaw). Chaka and Gavin spoke about the reunion in a recent interview here.

Sick Of It All Streaming “Get Bronx” Video, Upcoming Tour Dates

sick of it all get bronx

New York hardcore legends Sick Of It All is streaming the music video for “Get Bronx,” recorded in Europe during the EMP Persistence Tour earlier this year by Dirk Behlau here.

On April 5th Sick Of It All will begin another European run, with Angel Du$t, right after three great US shows in March.

Sick Of It All live:

sick of it all cromags mexico
South America:
Mar 06: Sala Puebla Mexico City (MX)
Mar 08: Teatro Las Vegas – Bogota (CO)
Mar 10: Arena Recoleta – Santiago (CL)
Mar 11: Teatro Flores – Buenos Aires (AR)
Mar 13: Teatro Odisseia – Rio De Janeiro (BR)
Mar 14: Clash Club – Sao Paulo (BR)
Mar 15: Music Hall – Curitiba (BR)

Musink Festival

North America:
Mar 20: Musink – Costa Mesa, CA
Mar 21: Gypsy Lounge – Austin, TX (Converse/Trasher Death Match)
Mar 22: NateFest – Howell, NJ

Apr 05: Aeronef – Lille (FR)
Apr 06: Easter Cross – Oberndorf (DE)
Apr 08: La Laiterie – Strasbourg (FR)
Apr 09: Transbordeur – Lyon (FR)
Apr 10: Paloma – Nimes (FR)
Apr 11: La Nef – Angouleme (FR)
Apr 13: Le Metronom – Toulouse (FR)
Apr 14: Sala El Casino – Gijon (ES)
Apr 15: Republica da Musica – Lisbon (PT)
Apr 16: Sala Eventual Music – Malaga (ES)
Apr 17: Sala But – Madrid (ES)
Apr 18: Sala Jimmy Jazz – Vitoria-Gasteiz (ES)
Apr 19: Sala Razzmatazz 2 – Barcelona (ES)
Apr 21: Bloom – Mezzago (Milan) (IT)
Apr 22: Orion – Rome (IT)
Apr 23: Zona Roveri – Bologna (IT)
Apr 24: Vintage Industrial Bar – Zagreb (HR)
Apr 25: A38 – Budapest (HU)
Apr 26: Gei – Timelkam (AT)

black n blue bowl 2015 final

North America:
May 17: Black N Blue Bowl – New York, NY
May 23: Punk Rock Bowling – Las Vegas, NV

punk rock bowling 2015 final

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Suburban Scum Streaming “Death is Destiny”

Suburban Scum. Photo Credit: Sean Sullivan

Suburban Scum. Photo Credit: Sean Sullivan

Suburban Scum is streaming “Death Is Destiny”, off their debut album Ultimate Annihilation, out this summer via Closed Casket Activities, here.

They have just wrapped up production on their debut full-length release at the Machine Shop in Belleville, New Jersey with producer Will Putney (Body Count, Vision Of Disorder, The Acacia Strain), the man also responsible for mixing and mastering the album. Now confirmed to wear the title Ultimate Annihilation, the new album takes the riotous, straightforward energy of the band’s previous recordings to a dynamic new level of ferociousness through a dozen crushing tracks of full-bore Jersey hardcore. Ultimate Annihilation also bears guest vocal contributions from Justice Tripp (Trapped Under Ice, Angel Du$t), Brendan Garrone (Incendiary), and Gregory Falchetto (The Mongoloids), and has is fitted with cover artwork by Jesse Schallart (Skeletonwitch, Xibalba, Discourse).Troy, New York-based Closed Casket Activities, also responsible for Suburban Scum’s split LP with Xibalba, will release Ultimate Annihilation on vinyl as well as through all major digital platforms early this Summer with a final street date to be announced shortly.

Ultimate Annihilation Track Listing:
1. The Beginning Of The End
2. Ultimate Annihilation
3. Forced Through Fire
4. Zero Tolerence
5. Love And Hate
6. Pain Is Promised
7. Ready For War
8. Misery Loves Company
9. Six Feet Under
10. Watch It Burn
11. The Calm Before The Storm
12. Death Is Destiny

Suburban Scum Tour Dates:
Mar 03: Korova – San Antonio, TX
Mar 04: Electric Banana – El Paso, TX
Mar 05: Launchpad – Albuquerque, NM
Mar 06: Nile Underground – Mesa, AZ
Mar 07: The Echo – Los Angeles, CA
Mar 08: Metro Sideroom – Oakland, CA
Mar 09: RBU Davis University – Sacramento, CA
Mar 10: Holland Project – Reno, NV
Mar 11: Kilby Court – Salt Lake City, UT
Mar 12: Marquis Theater – Denver, CO
Mar 13: Vaudeville Mews – Des Moines, IA
Mar 14: Minehaha Freespace – Minneapolis, MN
Mar 15: The Borg Ward – Milwaukee, WI
Mar 16: The Beat Kitchen – Chicago, IL
Mar 17: The Foundry – Cleveland, OH
Mar 18: Legends – Covington, KY
Mar 19: The Demo – St Louis, MO
Mar 20: The Conservatory – Oklahoma City, OK Mar 21: Walters – Houston, TX
Mar 22: QuikTrip Park – Grand Prairie, TX (South By So What?!)
Apr 10: Game Changer World – Howell, NJ (w/ No Warning, Breakdown, Foundation, Think I Care, King Nine)
Apr 18: The Palladium – Worcester, MA (New England Metal & Hardcore Fest)
May 16: Webster Hall – New York, NY (Black N’ Blue Bowl)

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Suburban Scum Releasing New Album This Summer

Suburban Scum with Will Putney - Photo Credit: Sean Sullivan

Suburban Scum with Will Putney – Photo Credit: Sean Sullivan

New Jersey hardcore outfit Suburban Scum will be releasing their upcoming release this summer via Closed Casket Activities. The album was recently tracked by Will Putney at The Machine Shop (Body Count, Vision Of Disorder, The Acacia Strain) and takes the straightforward, hungry hardcore energy of their previous recordings to a dynamic new level of ferociousness.

Since 2010 Suburban Scum has released a solid pile of recordings, including their debut Infernal War EP with Ride The Fury Records, the 2012-released Hanging By A Thread EP on 6131 Records, a split with Incendiary via Closed Casket Activities and most recently a split 12″ with Xibalba also on Closed Casket released last year. Their clear-cut delivery is elementally hardcore to the bone; completely enraged and outspoken, with enough metal to make its presence known and not overthrow the core of the songs, their lyrics streetwise but realistic, not overly dramatic. Having made their presence known on tour with the likes of Expire, Rotting Out, Backtrack, Harm’s Way, Bitter End, Downpresser and many others, and their energetic performances at major festivals including This Is Hardcore, Sound & Fury, United Blood, Rain Fest and more have been well-documented with Youtube visual evidence and mass reports of bodily harm during performances.

The band has announced their upcoming tour and dates are posted below.

Suburban Scum Tour Dates:
Mar 03: Korova – San Antonio, TX
Mar 04: Electric Banana – El Paso, TX
Mar 05: Launchpad – Albuquerque, NM
Mar 06: Nile Underground – Mesa, AZ
Mar 07: The Echo – Los Angeles, CA
Mar 08: Metro Sideroom – Oakland, CA
Mar 09: RBU Davis University – Sacramento, CA
Mar 10: Holland Project – Reno, NV
Mar 11: Kilby Court – Salt Lake City, UT
Mar 12: Marquis Theater – Denver, CO
Mar 13: Vaudeville Mews – Des Moines, IA
Mar 14: Minehaha Freespace – Minneapolis, MN
Mar 15: The Borg Ward – Milwaukee, WI
Mar 16: The Beat Kitchen – Chicago, IL
Mar 17: The Foundry – Cleveland, OH
Mar 18: Legends – Covington, KY
Mar 19: The Demo – St Louis, MO
Mar 20: The Conservatory – Oklahoma City, OK
Mar 21: Walters – Houston, TX
Mar 22: QuikTrip Park – Grand Prairie, TX (South By So What?!)
Apr 10: Game Changer World – Howell, NJ (w/ No Warning, Breakdown, Foundation, Think I Care, King Nine)
Apr 18: The Palladium – Worcester, MA (New England Metal & Hardcore Fest)
May 16: Webster Hall – New York, NY (Black N’ Blue Bowl)

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