CONCERT REVIEW: Eyehategod – Goatwhore – Flesh Creep Live at KKs Steel Mill

The rain is lashing down so hard this evening that floods are already heading quickly towards biblical proportions. The treacherous and occasionally completely submerged roads around the area certainly go some way to explaining the slightly lower-than-expected turnout at KKs Steel Mill tonight, which although still very respectable, is clearly not as busy as usual.Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Goatwhore – Angels Hung From The Arches of Heaven

In our latest instalment of Where the Fuck Did All The Time Go? we discover it’s already been twenty-five years since the emergence of Louisiana blackened thrash/death outfit Goatwhore. Formed by guitarist Sammy Duet after the break-up of his previous band, legendary sludge lords Acid Bath, the band’s history can actually be traced back to 1991 when they were known as Kill Gore up until 1997 after Acid Bath, er… dissolved.

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Ben Falgoust Of Goatwhore Talks Touring, Vengeful Ascension, Football, And More!

Goatwhore released Vengeful Ascension to the world back in June via Metal Blade Records, and are currently bringing that crushing new material to stages across the States in support of Venom Inc.(dates). Before their recent set here in New York City, I got to speak with vocalist Ben Falgoust about their new record, touring plans, and of course our Falcons and Saints rivalry. Continue reading

Goatwhore – Vengeful Ascension

The last twenty years have been quite an eventful ride for guitarist Sammy Duet. When his first (proper) band, legendary Louisiana swamp monsters Acid Bath, split up due to the untimely death of bassist Audie Pitre, he began work on a new project – Goatwhore.Continue reading

Ben Falgoust On Vengeful Ascension, Goatwhore’s Future, And More

The almighty Goatwhore will be unleashing Vengeful Ascension on June 23rd via Metal Blade Records, and as the press release correctly states, this record is “a sonic manifestation of war, chaos, desolation, and emotional conflict, seamlessly bridging twenty years of the band’s signature brand of audio venom.

I recently got to speak with vocalist Ben Falgoust in detail about the new record, the band’s history, future plans, and much more.Continue reading