It’s all been quiet on the front lines recently when it comes to Polish extreme metal band, Infernal War. Forming in 1997, the band took 3 years to produce their first demo, following it on with a small stream of releases leading up to their debut album, 2005’s Terrorfront. For a band that has survived that many years, their releases have always been sporadic with only 2 full-length albums and 2 EPs under their belt since they released their original demo in 2000, but with the quick successive release of their second full length Redesekration (both Agonia) in 2007, it seemed that the band were finally about to start making their mark on the scene.
After Redesekration however the quintet seemed to return to their old pattern of smaller releases, putting out just a handful of tracks across a number of different records, including a split with fellow Polish black metal band Kriegsmaschine. Finally, 2015 sees the return of the band with their third full-length album, Axiom (Agonia).
Where Axiom differs from the previous albums is not a change in sound, but a redefining of the old style into something tight and succinct. Blasting its way though 43 minutes of chaotic drums and staccato riffing, their music takes on a frantic urgent feel, racing through the song as vocalist Herr Warcrimer barks their hateful mantra. While Axiom has its moments, ‘Into Dead Soil’ pausing in the middle for flying guitar solo or the dropping back to half time for sections of ‘Nihil Prayer’, it fails to carve out any kind of lasting impression.
Axiom may have taken on a new level of togetherness in terms of sound but in between the blasting it’s hard to find anything particularly interesting or unique about this band.
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