Sigh – Heir To Despair

It’s easy to love Sigh. It’s also easy to find them really annoying. Starting off as a Japanese branch of Black Metal’s second wave, Sigh has since mutated in all sorts of bizarre and interesting ways, integrating everything from classical influences to jazz breakdowns to having a nude, blood-smeared woman shrieking out vocals over Venom covers. As one does. At best, it made them a glorious thing to hear. At worst, it just sounded like a formless din.Continue reading

Celtic Frost Delve Into The Crypts… Details of Classic Reissues Announced

Continuing their programme of re-releasing the seminal works of German metal label Noise Records, BMG turn their attention next to the founders of Avantgarde Metal, and one of the greatest and most influential bands in the history of heavy music, Celtic FrostContinue reading