EP REVIEWS: Clot – Dehiscence – Hostility

To put it mildly, Grindcore is king. 

Sub-minute songs; albums that pack dozens of tracks in less than ten minutes; and the most chaotically bombastic sounds you can possibly combine and still label music. 

In that regard, the more the merrier. 


Clot is yet another thrilling new(ish) act that’s decided to contribute to the pandemonium. The five-piece burst onto the scene with a 2023 debut and are back with a double EP, Dehiscence and Hostility (Self-Released).

The former emphasizes Clot’s sludgier and doomier proclivities at no detriment whatsoever to their overall extreme nature. With four songs running just over fifteen minutes, it’s a maniacal joy ride, to say the least.


“A Critical Moment Of Agony” houses unforgiving shouts of harsh venom that creates quite the atmosphere of dastardly, menacing uncertainty. It’s threatening, anticipatory and lingers before trailing off to close.


As for “Fermented Wound,” expect instrumentations that sound like they’re on the verge of a killing spree. The doomy/Sludge antics are apparent here, and the practically spoken-screamed vocals bring to mind Mastiff


Dehiscence is gruff, sonically jarring and monochromatic. 

As for Hostility, despite being six songs, it’s presented as a single five-minute track. And it delivers a take on Grindcore that has afterburners attached. It can be the soundtrack of the worst nightmare you’ve ever had or the audio version of being caught in a fucking avalanche. 


Hostility doesn’t go full-blast from start to finish, and that’s even more alluring. Clot knows when and how to ebb and flow the seemingly uncontrollable bludgeoning. But whenever the clanging drums and the bustling guitars kickstarts proceedings, it’s explosive bliss. 

It takes only twenty minutes to consume both of Clot’s new releases, which means you can skip lunch during your break and just listen to Dehiscence and Hostility three times over, instead. It might not get you ready for the rest of your workday, but it’ll certainly get you ready for the apocalypse (that somehow hasn’t already happened). 


Buy the EPs here:


8 / 10
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