All the signs are there: this is not going to be the easiest listening experience. From the likely purposefully awkward moniker, the cacophony of guest musicians (mostly drummers) and the self-processed palette of influences that range from Technical Death Metal to Classical; it does seem that Extreme Metaller’s OWDWYR purpose is to intrigue and to baffle in equal measure. The result of this; debut release Receptor (Self-Released) is, as expected, manic and as such, warrants hearing.

Receptor as noted before is brimming with influences and styles throughout and it portrays these often in off-kilter directions and fashion. A seemingly disarming ambient electronic introductory passage abruptly shifts into full-on blasting Death Metal (blast-beats and furious pace) in “The Liminal Carapace” which reveals some melodicism and increased technicality across its over three minute duration. The proceeding “Ripped from the Bog” shows a similar range between these two Death Metal aspects. This is about as straightforward as this gets. Single “Stench of Indemnity” becomes all the more unhinged, with janky instrumentation which feels as reminiscent of the extreme end of Mathcore as it does Technical Death Metal, alongside prominent breakdowns towards its end.


The opening piano bars of “Ein” at this point are unexpected with a classical feel to them before the heaviness ramps again, although this time highlighted with piercing piano and synth Prog Rock flourishes. Followed in contrast to the 52 second, grindcore flash of “Writhe”, it certainly feels you cannot settle into any preconception in this album’s run time as it will turn just as quickly. Further cemented by the frenzied brass instrumentation and Jazz influence on “Cower”, or the pure Thrash Metal riffing and “Not Afraid”.


It is a bold move to incorporate so many styles and variations within your album and it is certainly an approach that can either really work, or really not. In the case of Receptor, there are aspects that feel somewhat unnecessary and jarring for the sake of it, but it feels like perhaps this is intended. Ultimately Receptor is an interesting debut release and shows a hugely talented act which, with some degree of refinement, could prove a hugely formidable creative entity. A far from easy listen for the first time, or even the fifth (and beyond), but one that shows plenty of worth within despite, and as a result, of this.


Buy the album here:


7 / 10