FESTIVAL PREVIEW: Shadow Woods Metal Fest IV

Today is the day! America’s best underground brutal, blackened underground music festival, Shadow Woods Metal Fest begins today. Although a few bands have been last minute cancellations due to Hurrican Florence and Ghost Bath canceled their entire tour due to van troubles, the festival is 100%taking place with only rain expected at Camp Hidden Valley, in Whitehall Maryland. The lineup includes  Abigail Williams, Xasthur, Aether Realm, Rozamov, Heavy Temple, A Sound of Thunder, Barishi, Destroyer of Light, Husbandry, God Root, Hepatagua, Cloak, Wolvhammer, Imperial Triumphant, Black Mass,  and many more. Tickets are still available at the gate for you late deciders. Continue reading

Prophecy Productions Signs Xasthur, New Music Incoming

Prophecy Productions, one of the leading underground heavy music labels in the world has announced a partnership with USBM legend Xasthur! In addition to their upcoming US tour and an appearance at Shadow Woods Metal Fest IV, new music will eventually see the light. Starting as a one-man black metal band, Xasthur has evolved into an unconventional, but incredible live entity with other players. Prophecy will launch this partnership with a new, limited edition EP, an exclusive preview of Xasthur’s upcoming full length, building on his new doomgrass style. The EP, Aestas Pretium MXVIII, will be sold exclusively on his forthcoming, extensive US tour.Continue reading

UADA, Tombs, Xasthur, Heavy Temple And More Booked For Shadow Woods Metal Fest IV


Shadow Woods Metal Fest has announced the full lineup for the 2018 edition, their fourth year in a row. Returning for the fourth year in a row. Taking place from September 20th to 22nd, at Harper’s Ferry Adventure Center in Purcell, VA against the backdrop against the epic Blue Ridge Mountains, Shadow Woods IV features UADA, Tombs, Xasthur, Heavy Temple, All Hell, Bound By The Grave, Barishi, Destroyer Of Light, God Root, Husbandry, Imperial Triumphant, Rozamov, Wayfaerer, and many more listed below. Tickets are on sale now. Continue reading

How Do You Scream? An Interview With Katie Gallagher

Photo by Petteri Lamula

New York Fashion Week is a semi-annual series of events when international fashion collections are shown to buyers, the press and the general public. Coming on September 8th, designer Katie Gallagher will be presenting her seventeenth collection entitled Rain. Unlike any other designer out there, her clothes will be shown to a backing soundtrack that features the likes of The Cure, Burzum, Xasthur, and Hesperius Draco, and this is nothing new. In previous years, she’s presented collections to numerous goth and metal artists songs, and it makes for quite the unique experience. As you’ll read in my interview below, that’s exactly what she wants.Continue reading

Laster – De Verste Verte Is Hier



With recent black metal releases either making you want to march off into battle (Winterfylleth) or spend an evening viciously murdering crackheads in an urban underpass (Anaal Nathrakh), it’s refreshing when an album comes along that’s perfect for merely slumping back in your chair and drifting off into the void. Dutch trio Laster are the architects of said proposed lazy endeavour but don’t be fooled into thinking that their debut album De Verste Verte Is Hier (Dunkelheit) is a snooze-fest, for it contains a plethora of fascinating motifs that demonstrates once again that atmosphere matters more than mindless aggression.

Nestling somewhere on the outer-reaches of the black metal spectrum where drone, ambient and Shoegaze converge for an exclusively morbid and dream-like tea party, the 45 minutes of De Verste Verte Is Hier is akin to wandering through a ruined, expressionist landscape of abandoned factories, mist-shrouded plains and decaying, haunted cathedrals. The riffing veers between light speed ferocity that calls to mind Krallice if they were given a heavy dose of lithium to more mid-paced plodding that references the darkest lights of the USBM depressive scene, such as the suicide obsessed Xasthur.

There are enough noticeable differences between songs to ensure that the same ideas aren’t merely recycled with a vaguely different coat of paint, such as the horribly surreal choir-and-shrieking section that appears in ‘Tot de tocht ons verlicht’ and the devastatingly bleak piano passage in ‘Ik – mijn masker’. But the real rug-pull moment comes in the arse-shakingly danceable post-punk of the title track, which is like being in a nightclub with Cenobites for bouncers.

All in all, a thoroughly impressive debut from a trio of talented multi-instrumentalists who know how to paint grim pictures with enough beauty mixed in to warrant many a further inspection.



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