Post-hardcore is a genre which has thrived in recent years, which is due to a vast number of reasons. One of these is the so-called ‘Tumblr’ bands, such as La Dispute and Defeater, whose music seems to appeal to teenagers and those in their early twenties, while one of the most popular features of the genre is the meaningful and deep lyrics which people can relate to. Another band which is sure to prove a hit with the younger generation is Fell To Low, a California-based quintet with their latest release Low In The Dust (Revelation).
It is easy to hear from the first song alone, ‘Galore’, that there is something different about Fell To Low: the haunting guitar riffs and deep lyrical content gives the album an almost eerie feel. It is pretty much impossible to listen to the music without feeling somewhat attached to it, subconsciously or not. Fell To Low manage to grab your attention for the entire forty eight minutes of the record, and the end gives you an almost cathartic-like feeling.
Another stand-out track is ‘Boundary’, which opens with a slower yet beautiful guitar riff. The song soon descends into an almost chaotic structure, which is emphasised by Travis Farmer’s hard-hitting and frantic vocal style. The pace continually changes throughout the nine minute song, which allows the listener to stay focussed and interested.
Fell To Low have managed to create an impressive album which will appeal to fans across the post-hardcore and punk genres. Their emotional yet chaotic musical style allows the listener to fully engage with it, which is a quality that many bands are unable to achieve.