Iranian Metal Band Arsames Escapes Their Country Avoiding 15 Years In Jail for Being “Satanic”

In a story we have been following, Iranian death metal band Arsames who were were arrested and sentenced to 15 years in jail for the crime of “being in satanic metal band and being against the Islamic government”, escaped the country to an undisclosed location and are now safe and sound

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Satanic Panic Book Examines Cultural Paranoia Against Heavy Metal In The 80s And 90s

Satanic Panic book cover ghostcultmag


Out now, Satanic Panic: Pop-Cultural Paranoia in the 80’s (FAB Press) offers a detailed in-depth analyisation of how a political culture war played out during the 80’S, from the publication of the memoir Michelle Remembers 1980 to the end of the McMartin “Satanic Ritual Abuse” Trial in 1990.Continue reading