Ronnie Montrose To Be Remembered at NAMM 2025

Iconic American rock guitarist, Ronnie Montrose, will be saluted at the Ronnie Montrose Remembered (RMR) event by NAMM, featuring his greatest hits from Montrose, Edgar Winter, Van Morrison, Gamma and more. The celebratory concert will include a rock star line-up whose own careers were influenced by the legendary and powerful Montrose sound. Find out more below.

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INTERVIEW: Martin Lopez of Soen Breaks Down “Memorial” Album


Ghost Cult Keefy welcomes back in Martin Lopez of  Soen (also exOpeth and ex-Amon Amarth) for our third interview ever! With the just released new album “Memorial” – Martin discusses the evolution of the band over the years, new songcraft techniques used by the band, and much more!   Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Soen – Memorial


“Niiiiiice”, says Louis Balfour – you know, the jazz critic in The Fast Show comedy sketches. Well, Soen’s Memorial (Silver Lining Music) is niiiiiice – a decidedly serious sandwich full of delights, earworms, and all-around expertise. 

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