Judas Priest, Helloween, Kreator, Arch Enemy To Headline Knotfest Columbia

Knotfest has now branched out to Bogota, Columbia for their next announced edition, Knotfest Columbia. Judas Priest Helloween, Kreator, Arch Enemy and more have been announced for the festival. The festival launched by Slipknot, on October 26 at Hipódromo De Los Andes in Bogotá. Watch the trailer for it now. Continue reading

Cannibal Corpse Perform “Code Of The Slashers” Live At Knotfest Mexico 2017

Cannibal Corpse will be unleashing their fourteenth studio album, Red Before Black, on November 3rd via Metal Blade Records. The death metal legends already shared the ‘Code Of The Slashers’ video with the world, and now we know how the new track sounds live. Continue reading

Slipknot – Day Of The Gusano (DVD)

It seems most bizarre to think that a beast as all-conquering of the metal world as Slipknot had yet to take their larger-than-life stage show into Mexico City at any point in their twenty-year existence. Yet, until December 2015, and the .5 – The Grey Chapter’s incarnation of Knotfest, that particular duck had yet to broken. Continue reading

Slipknot To Attend The Los Angeles Premiere Of Their Knotfest Mexico Film Tomorrow


Members of Slipknot will attend the Los Angeles premiere of their long in the works Day Of Gusano documentary film, about the making of the first-ever Knotfest Mexico. Taking place at Ahrya Fine Arts Theater In Los Angeles at 7:30 PM, there will also be a Q & A held afterwards by SIRIUSXM’S Jose Mangin. Details below. 

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Ozzy Osbourne Knocks Out Zakk Wylde In A Hilarious Promo For Ozzfest Meets Knotfest

Ozzy Osbourne and Zakk Wylde will kick off their first tour together since 2006 tomorrow night at the Rock USA Festival in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. After they wrap up a few more festival dates this Summer, they will be headlining Saturday night at Ozzfest Meets Knotfest in California. As you’ll see in the hilarious new promo below, the two icons are really excited for that show, but Zakk is a little too excited. Continue reading

2017 Ozzfest Meets Knotfest Lineup Includes Ozzy Osbourne, Rob Zombie, And Many More

The 2017 Ozzfest Meets Knotfest will be taking place on November 4th and 5th at the Glen Helen Amphitheater & Festival Grounds in California, and thanks to ThePRP, the amazing lineup has been revealed! Continue reading

Metallica Are Planning The Return Of Their Orion Music Festival


Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich said in an interview over the holiday weekend that the band would like to bring back their Orion Music + More Festival for their upcoming tour cycle for their new album Hardwired… To Self-Destruct (Blackened Recordings). The tentative plan being discussed is to make more of a moving festival, perhaps the same as Knotfest has become for Slipknot. More details below: Continue reading

Watch A Video Recap Of Ozzfest Meets Knotfest 2016


Ozzfest Meets Knotfest, the marriage of two of the biggest names ever in music festivals have released a recap video of this last month’s event. You can watch it below: Continue reading