NEW MUSIC FRIDAY – Rock and Metal Releases for 8-23-24

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ALBUM REVIEW: Kingcrow – Hopium

Hailing from Rome and with a name inspired by Edgar Allan Poe’s poem Raven is Kingcrow, after a six-year gap between albums they are back with Hopium (Season of Mist). Theirs is an emotive brand of Prog Rock but the Metal of the previous album The Persistence, has been dialled down with atmospheric, ambient, Electronic, and Alt Rock elements playing a larger part. Continue reading

PREVIEW: New Music Friday – Rock and Metal Releases Preview for 8-23-24

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Kingcrow Releasing Eidos on June 23rd


Italian progressive metallers Kingcrow will be releasing their new album Eidos via Sensory Records on June 23, 2015. The band has released multiple recordings, and several EPs and singles since 1996, as well as four full-length albums.

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