BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on The Power of Going Live

There’s a way to connect with your fans that’s perhaps more powerful than any other way to do it. It facilitates sales. It fosters connections. People find it genuinely interesting and want more of them. They are the perfect quarantine content. I am of course speaking about going live. I’m not talking about live stream concerts, though those are great too, I’m just talking about turning on the camera and talking to some people live on Facebook or Instagram. Continue reading

Dumb and Dumbest Episode #432: John Browne of Riffhard

Matt and Curtis interviewed John Browne of Monuments, who now teaches fans guitar lessons daily via Riffhard. Hear the story on Dumb and Dumbest Episode #432 is streaming now and it’s an interview with John Browne of Riffhard! Dumb and Dumbest is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions), and Music Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR). In addition to the podcast, Matt and Curtis also run The Music Marketing Challenges: low-cost, super high-value private training to bands and artists. DM Matt, Keefy or Curtis at the links below for details

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Dumb and Dumbest Episode #431: Trevor Church of Haunt on Making An Income On DIY

Haunt is one of the best DIY bands in the USA right now, and have made a career of great heavy metal, and smart marketing tactics. Matt interviews Haunt’s Trevor Church to get the story.Dumb and Dumbest Episode #431 is streaming now and it’s all about Trevor Church of Haunt on Making An Income On DIY! Dumb and Dumbest is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions), and Music Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR). In addition to the podcast, Matt and Curtis also run The Music Marketing Challenges: low-cost, super high-value private training to bands and artists. DM Matt, Keefy or Curtis at the links below for details

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Dumb and Dumbest Episode #430: Getting More Instagram Followers

One of the most asked about topics we get from the industry is how to get more followers! Matt and Keefy give you some strategies and tactics not just to grow your accounts, but to keep new followers engaged! Dumb and Dumbest Episode #430 is streaming now and it’s all about Getting More Instagram Followers! Dumb and Dumbest is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions), and Music Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR). In addition to the podcast, Matt and Curtis also run The Music Marketing Challenges: low-cost, super high-value private training to bands and artists. DM Matt, Keefy or Curtis at the links below for details

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Dumb and Dumbest Episode #429: Social Media Etiquette

Matt and Curtis talk more about social media etiquette and all the ways you need to stay out of trouble online. Dumb and Dumbest Episode #429 is streaming now and it’s all about Social Media Etiquette! Dumb and Dumbest is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions), and Music Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR). In addition to the podcast, Matt and Curtis also run The Music Marketing Challenges: low-cost, super high-value private training to bands and artists. DM Matt, Keefy or Curtis at the links below for details

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BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on Massive Action

So the real secret to growth in the music industry is relatively simple. It doesn’t involve any sort of special chicanery. It doesn’t even require you to be some sort of super genius, Lord only knows that I’m not one. What it relies on is the continued application of effort over time.Continue reading

Dumb and Dumbest Episode #428: The Power Of Massive Action

Matt and Curtis talk more about being Omnipresent and the theory of The Power Of Massive Action. Dumb and Dumbest Episode #428 is streaming now and it’s all about The Power Of Massive Action! Dumb and Dumbest is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions), Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR), and Keith Chachkes (Ghost Cult Magazine/BDWE Media). In addition to the podcast, Matt, Curtis, and Keith all host The Music Marketing Challenges: low-cost, super high-value private training to bands and artists. DM Matt, Keefy or Curtis at the links below for details

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Dumb and Dumbest Episode #427: Slipknot’s Is a New Website Now

Matt and Keefy talk Slipknot and their fascinating pivot with into a metalhead lifestyle, live streaming, and band interviews website. Dumb and Dumbest Episode #427 is streaming now and it’s all about Slipknot’s Is a New Website Now! Dumb and Dumbest is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions), Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR), and Keith Chachkes (Ghost Cult Magazine/BDWE Media). In addition to the podcast, Matt, Curtis, and Keith all host The Music Marketing Challenges: low-cost, super high-value private training to bands and artists. DM Matt, Keefy or Curtis at the links below for details

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Dumb and Dumbest Episode #426: Omnipresence

Matt and Curtis talk Omnipresence. This is key if you are trying to break through and become known as a creator or person in the scene. Achieving this of course can be very tricky. In this episode, we get into how to do just that. Dumb and Dumbest Episode #426 is streaming now and it’s all about Omnipresence! Dumb and Dumbest is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions), Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR), and Keith Chachkes (Ghost Cult Magazine/BDWE Media). In addition to the podcast, Matt, Curtis, and Keith all host The Music Marketing Challenges: low-cost, super high-value private training to bands and artists. DM Matt, Keefy or Curtis at the links below for details

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Dumb and Dumbest Episode #425: Tom Coles Of Sail UK On Music Journalism, Scene Life and More!

Matt and Curtis interview Tom Coles of the band Sail UK, to discuss their new singles, release strategy, social media, and music journalism. Dumb and Dumbest Episode #425 is streaming now and it’s an interview with Tom Coles Of Sail UK On Music Journalism, Scene Life, and More! Dumb and Dumbest is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions), Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR), and Keith Chachkes (Ghost Cult Magazine/BDWE Media). In addition to the podcast, Matt, Curtis, and Keith all host The Music Marketing Challenges: low-cost, super high-value private training to bands and artists. DM Matt, Keefy or Curtis at the links below for details

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