Dreadnought – Emergence

When allied to a sonic experience the term ‘Dreadnought‘ usually alludes to a bruising encounter with little imagination or subtlety. Not so the Denver quartet bearing that name, whose brand of Prog Metal is an eclectic mix of the weird, heavy and profoundly charming, and which spans many genres of music.Continue reading

On The Road… with Subrosa


Having just released one of the best albums of 2016, Subrosa has embarked on a furious set of tour dates world-wide. The Salt Lake City chamber-doom band is riding high with For This We Fought the Battle of Ages released via Profound Lore. Ghost cult scribe Paul Quinn wrote in his glowing review of the album “SubRosa continues to breathe and grow, and its ability to stir passion and heart-rending sadness is only further proven with surely the most fluid, emotive, engaging and downright magnificent set of its career. “, and it hard to find a flaw in that assessment.Continue reading

SubRosa – For This We Fought the Battle of Ages

SubRosa - For This We Fought the Battle of Ages ghostcultmag


There cannot have been many more eagerly awaited releases this year than For This We Fought the Battle of Ages (Profound Lore Records), the fourth full-length from Utah Chamber Doom purveyors SubRosa.Continue reading