ALBUM REVIEW: Sad Park – No More Sound


Punk is a music genre often associated with grassroots and “sticking it to the man”. Par for the course for the evolution of anything, the harsher edge of punk has softened from studded and spiked leather jackets and mile-high mohawks of the eighties to button-down flannels and sometimes Hawaiian shirts and Vans. But the message tends to be one and the same; rebellion, anti-norm, and angst wrapped in a DIY bow. 

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ALBUM REVIEW: Nighthawk – Prowler


Nighthawk’s Prowler (Mighty Music) is a fun romp through some good old-fashioned rock and roll. Prowler has the feel of a classic album while being firmly new. Bjorn “Speed” Strid’s (Soilwork, At The Movies) vocals are immaculate, the guitars are blistering, and the riffs are “classic”. ‘Running Wild’ is the second track on the album and it takes me back to the gritty eighties. It evokes black Trans Ams being driven by fluffy-haired gents with sweet ‘taches. ‘Running Wild’ has a distinct sound that blends elements of hard rock and blues rock. The song has a great keyboard riff and melodic, storytelling lyrics. 

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