END OF YEAR GUEST POST: Jamison Friesen of Arrival Of Autumn – Top Albums of 2023

We are still wrapping up all the goodness of 2023 with some fun guest posts from bands, friends, and fiends! Check out this list from Jamison Friesen of Arrival Of Autumn! The band dropped their new album Kingdom Undone this spring from Nuclear Blast Records.Continue reading

ALBUMS OF THE YEAR: STAFF PICKS – Matt Cook’s Top 25 Albums of 2023

With our sights set on the end of one year and the start of another, we are sharing End of Year lists from staff, bands, and some friends in the business. Ghost Cult scribe (and part of our new, expanded reviews editorial team) Matt Cook has great taste in metal, has the most luxurious beard on staff, and is a great dude. Check out his top picks for his Top Albums of 2023!Continue reading

ALBUMS OF THE YEAR: STAFF PICKS – Tim Ledin’s Top 20 Albums of 2023

As we barrel down towards the end of the year, we are sharing End of Year lists from staff, bands, and some friends in the business. Tim Ledin is a helluva writer, devilishly handsome, brews his own beer, and is the mack-daddy of Twitch streamers. Check out his top picks for his Top Albums of 2023! Continue reading

END OF YEAR GUEST POST: Justin Pierrot of Stormland – Top 15 Albums of 2023

We are still wrapping up all the goodness of 2023 with some fun guest posts from bands, friends, and fiends! Check out this list from Mobile-suit Gundam-inspired Technical Death Metal artist Justin Pierrot of Stormland! Justin is working on a new release for 2024, following his stellar last album, The Human Cost!

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ALBUM OF THE YEAR: STAFF PICKS – Callum Reid’s Top 10 of 2023

As we barrel down towards the end of the year, we are sharing End of Year lists from staff, bands, and some friends in the business. Check out our esteemed scribe Callum Reid and his picks for the Top Albums of 2023!


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Ghost Cult’s Album Of The Year 2023: Part 4 – And The Number One Album is Blackbraid’s – “Blackbraid II”

And then there was one.

Ghost Cult started out in the Netherlands in 2012 as a digital magazine, and we mainly covered only underground bands with rare mentions of mainstream artists. As we became a global brand, we incorporated more classic metal, modern heavy bands, and some mainstream coverage too, since that’s what all the big websites and magazines do, and we thought that’s what we should do. We’re okay with that. We still cover tons underground bands with reviews, interviews, and concerts. In a throwback, more underground bands made our final voting list from our staff than in many years. We like that too. 

And now our #1 album for 2023 is…

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