EXCLUSIVE VIDEO PREMIERE – Book of Wyrms – “Blacklight Warpriest”

Richmond, Virginia’s Psychedelic rockers Book of Wyrms dropped their brand new and second album, Remythologizer, a few weeks back on August 23rd via Twin Earth Records/Stoner Witch Records. Just as you imagined, it’s full of fun and trippy jams that will have you rocking out and questioning your grasp on reality. Watch this mind-bending new video for their single ‘Blacklight Warpriest’, only at Ghost Cult! Watch the clip and them purchase and stream the full album now!Continue reading

Saint Karloff – All Heed the Black God

Norwegian trippy harbingers Saint Karloff gave us a taste of things to come when they released initial single ‘Ghost Smoker’, and it’s this mammoth track that opens up debut album All Heed the Black God (Twin Earth/ Hellas), dripping diseased Doom through the ears with the groove and pace of Rock ‘n’ Roll and the banging heaviness of Occult mystery. The rhythms ooze power, and whilst some gorgeous lead guitar and vocal harmonies occasionally lighten the air, the time switches add electricity.Continue reading