Dumb and Dumbest Episode #524: When You Scam Yourself

SCAM MONTH continues! Matt and Curtis discuss how sometimes you think you are being scammed, but really, you scammed yourself! Dumb and Dumbest Episode #524 is about When You Scam Yourself! The podcast is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions), and Music Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR).

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Dumb and Dumbest Episode #523: Past Behavior Dictates Future Behavior

SCAM MONTH continues! Matt and Curtis breaks down how observing the past behavior of a potential partner will let you know if they are a scammer, or not! Dumb and Dumbest Episode #523 is about Past Behavior Dictates Future Behavior! The podcast is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions), and Music Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR).

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Dumb and Dumbest Episode #522: Buying Likes, Plays and More!

SCAM MONTH continues! Matt and Curtis go into detail about why buying attention such as likes and fake plays on YouTube makes YOU a SCAMMER! Dumb and Dumbest Episode #522 is about Buying Likes, Plays and More!! The podcast is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions), and Music Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR).

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BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on His Favorite Books for Music Business Success


I frequently get asked about what my favorite books are for learning about business and the music industry. The books that act as guides to success if you will. I realized while I may have referenced these a lot, I have not actually broken down my favorites.

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Dumb and Dumbest Episode #521: Inferno Doll on Why Email Lists Matter!

Matt and Curtis interview Laura of The Inferno Doll, talking all about email marketing! Dumb and Dumbest Episode #521 is about Label Scams! The podcast is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions), and Music Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR).

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Dumb and Dumbest Episode #520: Label Scams

Matt and Curtis have turned SCAM WEEK into SCAM MONTH! In this episode, they discuss Scam Record labels. Dumb and Dumbest Episode #520 is about Label Scams! The podcast is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions), and Music Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR).

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Dumb and Dumbest Episode #519: Scams From Unexpected Countries

Matt and Curtis revisit SCAM WEEK and the typical scams that come from some places in the world specifically. Dumb and Dumbest Episode #519 is about Scams From Unexpected Countries! The podcast is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions), and Music Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR).

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Dumb and Dumbest Episode #517: Tyler Williams Of Monolithic Productions on Owning a Studio!

Matt and Curtis welcome in producer Tyler Williams (Lindsay Schoolcraft) of Monolithic Productions to discuss his career, growing his credits, and how he approaches marketing himself. Dumb and Dumbest Episode #517 is streaming now and it’s an interview with Tyler Williams Of Monolithic Productions on Owning a Studio! The podcast is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions), and Music Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR).

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BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on Non-Musical Skills to Learn During COVID

I was thinking about this as in many parts of the world we are facing a second lockdown and all that that entails. I wanted to break down – what are some skills you should have if you want to make your band progress and grow a lot faster? After all – the band who can do more on their own is often the band who succeeds. I didn’t want to do basic stuff like ‘social media’ or ‘practicing your instrument’ though those are valid. I wanted to get into some of the core skills that help.

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Dumb and Dumbest Episode #516: Stefan Mersch of Sun Voyager on Audience Segments!

Matt iis joined by a returning guest, Stefan Mersch of Sun Voyager, who is not just a band dude, but a marketing expert. Dumb and Dumbest Episode #516 is streaming now and is all about Stefan Mersch of Sun Voyager on Audience Segments! The podcast is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions), and Music Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR).

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