REVIEW: Carnivora – Witch City

The evolution of Salem, Massachusetts metallers Carnivora continues on their latest single, “Witch City”. The band eschews some of their classic Modern Metal, Brutal Tech Death, Thrash, and groove-heavy tendencies to bring forth a mature, straight-forward melodic powerhouse of a track. 

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REVIEW: Carnivora – Bogdweller

Salem, Massachusetts modern metallers Carnivora is a band Ghost Cult has been following for many years and through several incarnations. The band has continued to grow and improve while keeping what makes them, them for a lack of better verbiage. They have always placed an importance on monster riffs, deep grooves and generally short blasts of fun metal tracks that don’t overstay their welcome. On their new single ‘Bogdweller’, the band has hit a new level with the addition of vocalist Haydee Irrizary (Aversed, Zahra Lux). Continue reading

Slipknot – Solway Firth

Slipknot teased us and teased us that they were going to drop a succession of insane new tracks before We Are Not Your Kind (Roadrunner Records) made its debut August 9th. While ‘Unsainted’ featured straight out brutality with nary a moment of let up except for the sugary chorus, ‘Solway Firth’ is another animal altogether. Continue reading

SINthetik Messiah – Black Sheep

My mother always told me to not judge a book by its cover. I have always tried to heed the words of my wise Madre’, but sometimes in doing music reviews I consign to oblivion that idiom. Case in point, when my editor sent me the new single by SINthetik Messiah, Black Sheep, I was tad incredulous. My feelings stemmed from seeing the heading on the Soundcloud link, #cajun industrial bass. I had never, in all my Skullgurl years, have encountered a musical group described as this. I started reading the bands press release, and SINthetic Messiah is described as Cajun electronic/industrial bass there also. Well, slap my fanny and call me fancy, I had just been given the gift of a brand new musical experience.Continue reading